Support » Fixing WordPress » How to assign a sale as a job to a custom role

  • I’m building a photography/video services website that allows my client to have different packages for sale online. My client’s packages range from simple photo packages to aerial photos, to 3D virtual tours, and a lot of other packaged services. Each service has a specific photographer or videographer that will actually go out and provide the service requested by the customer.

    I’m planning on creating the role of “Photographer” on the website so I can allow my customer to do the following:

    1. Every time a new sale is made on the website, he’ll assign that sale a specific “Photographer” that will go out and shoot the property.
    2. The “Photographer” is also a user online, so he/she should be able to receive notifications when a sale is assigned to them
    3. The “Photographer” needs the ability to make updates on the order just as a regular admin would through Woocommerce back-end so the customer receives those updates via email.

    I don’t want to assign the “Photographer” to a client, but to a sale/order.

    Seems like an easy extension that should already have been built, but I haven’t found it. Does anyone know of a simple extension out there that would be able to do this?

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