Everything, they say, is bigger in Texas. Even the cold snaps and the impact of climate change! “I think the Texas freeze will become the new poster child for compound weather and energy disasters,” atmospheric scientist Daniel Cohan of Rice University told Yale Climate Connections. “Why the power is out in Texas … and why other states are vulnerable too” is a must-read article about the recent storms. More importantly, it points to our power’ grid’ vulnerability and the lack of long-term resilience in our infrastructure against climate change. 

As a society, we often look for a Big Bang-like event to shake us through our slumber, but climate change is different. It is more like a boxer getting hit in the head and not noticing that his brain was turning to mush. The denialism around anything based on science is a disease that is the real problem for America.

“As climate change escalates and disrupts weather patterns, our country must update the grid, immediately, or risk losing not only power but lives,” warned environmental scientist Urooj Raja of the University of Colorado Boulder. Will we listen?  If our response to the pandemic is any indication, then the increased tribalism and politicization around climate change will be worse. 

Read article on Bob Henson, Eye On The Storm

I was catching up on Dan Primack’s Pro Rata newsletter and couldn’t help but notice the growing length of SPAC-related news & announcements. The new financial instrument is very au currant. So far, there have been 144 new SPAC IPOs that have raised close to $45 billion. In 2020, 248 SPAC IPOs raised $83 billion. Clearly, not all of them are going to be “awesome.” Don’t they say that the rising tide lifts all wrecks? I wonder how many of the SPACs are going to leave behind a trail of tears. Here is a list of all SPAC-related listings.