The Agency for Strategic Initiatives invites project leaders and their teams to its platform with new ideas and solutions.
The mission of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) is to create opportunities for the personal fulfilment of ambitious leaders who are able to propel Russia to an advanced global position and build a country where one wants to reside and work.

Key initiatives

Библиотека  умных решений «Смартека»
Platform of smart solutions Smarteka
Creation of a mechanism for regular search of best practices for the regional social and economic development, as well as their packaging in off-the-shelf solutions and introduction in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
100 technology development leaders
Creation of a model for upscaling and accelerating technology startups and projects by improving quality of interaction between market players and conditioning access terms for domestic technopreneurs to markets, including those of large companies.
100 лидеров развития городов
100 leaders of urban development
Development and introduction of support mechanisms for leaders and activists of city projects, as well as urban communities to enable their use of talent and experience in problem solving and urban development. Forming the urban development technology based on successfully implemented leaders projects for its subsequent replication.
Точки кипения.
Boiling points
Creation of infrastructure for the development of global companies, as well as training leaders and active communities and their joining for the purposes of implementing regional development projects and raising the technological and competency-based potential of the Russian Federation.
Local-ID (территориальная идентичность)
Local-ID (territorial identity)
Regional development through the support of competitive leadership initiatives on a rethink of the social and cultural environment and the efficient use of local legacy potential. Development and replication of models for the creation and development of social and cultural clusters (ethnic, ecological, agricultural, gastronomic and cultural clusters).
100 leaders in the social sphere
Selecting and accelerating leading projects, support of leaders and leading communities by introducing systemic change mechanisms and tools. Creating a navigator – a router for supportive measures, generic solutions, project bank and information on leaders.
Платформа НТИ
NTI platform
Unifying of the NTI ecosystem participants for an increase in the number of entrepreneurs, specialists, and experts involved in the development of companies with global aspirations.
Платформа LEADER-ID
LEADER-ID platform
Data exchange management based on uniform user identification in the LEADER-ID information system. Simplification of rules and procedures for data exchange between the participants of the technopreneurship support ecosystem in accordance with the personal data legislation of the Russian Federation. Development of a data processing culture and algorithms for data analysis as an element of decision making support.
Цифровая платформа для обращения предпринимателей
Digital contact platform for entrepreneurs
Creating mechanism for the improvement of the regulatory and law enforcement environment, as well as removing barriers to business development based on interaction and entrepreneurs' feedback. Formation of new standards for authorities to handle entrepreneurs' appeals.
Regional leaders clubs
Forming and joining on the grounds of the Regional Clubs network of sustainable business communities leaders able to state needs of businesses and resolve issues of regional development and entrepreneurship environment improvement in the regions.
100 education development leaders
Development and introduction of a technology for the support and upscaling of the educational leaders and leading communities activities, as well as leadership practices, models, and platforms aimed at education development for the purpose of ensuring economic growth and personal fulfillment for each citizen.
New opportunities in the social sphere
Forming opportunities and creating conditions (including legislative amendments) to increase the share of the non-governmental sector in the social sphere. Improvement in social services quality and accessibility.
Volunteers club
Forming the volunteers' professional community. Creation of working tools for the volunteer community: learning programs, best practices collections, incentive mechanisms, algorithms of interaction with authorities, promotion technologies.
Национальный рейтинг
National ranking
Data exchange management based on uniform user identification in the LEADER-ID information system. Simplification of rules and procedures for data exchange between the participants of the technopreneurship support ecosystem in accordance with the personal data legislation of the Russian Federation. Development of a data processing culture and algorithms for data analysis as an element of decision making support.


Moskalenkov Anton
Director of International Relations Office
[email protected]