National Coalitions for Digital Skills and Jobs are partnerships between digital skills actors in Member States who work together to improve digital skills at national, regional or local level.

National and regional Coalitions

National Coalitions bring together ICT and ICT-intensive companies, education and training providers, education and employment ministries, public and private employment services, associations, non-profit organisations and social partners, who develop concrete measures to bring digital skills to all levels of society.

They collaborate in areas such as increasing industry-led training, certifying skills, improving school and university curricula, and raising awareness about ICT careers, especially among young people and women.

National and Regional Coalitions

There are currently 25 Coalitions and emerging initiatives and more are expected to be launched in 2020. We invite you to contact your National Coalition to support their effort in your country:

Regional Coalitions and partnerships

Start a new National or Regional Coalition

If there is no National Coalition in your country you can contact the Digital Skills and Jobs Team to discuss how to build a successful Coalition and help you get started.

Get in touch

To get more information about the Coalition join our LinkedIn community, follow us on Twitter & Facebook or send an email to Digital Skills and Jobs Team.