About us

Dedicated to SEE+

At SEEDIG, we believe that digital technologies have an important role to play in the sustainable economic and social development of South Eastern Europe and the neighbouring area (SEE+). In line with this belief, our vision is that of a healthy, sustainable and inclusive digital advancement of the SEE+ region.

Our mission is to support such a digital advancement through facilitating multistakeholder dialogue and cooperation on addressing issues related to the use, evolution and governance of the Internet and other digital technologies across the region.

In focus


Planning SEEDIG 7

SEEDIG’s seventh annual meeting (SEEDIG 7) is scheduled to be held in September 2021 either in Chisinau, Moldova or as an online or hybrid meeting. See how you can contribute to the planning process.

SEEDIG 6 Messages

SEEDIG 6 – our sixth annual meeting – was held online in September 2020. The event spanned a week and included a mix of classical sessions and creative elements. We discussed digitalisation and depopulation, trust and security, AI, the digital economy and more. The debates were reflected in SEEDIG Messages, outlining main takeaways, goals, and proposals for future actions.

SEEDIG 7: Call for issues

What Internet and digital policy issues should we discuss at SEEDIG 7? How are the proposed issues relevant for the SEE+ region? What is the best format to discuss the proposed issue?

Contribute to shaping the programme for SEEDIG 7 by responding to our call for issues! Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2021.

More from SEEDIG 6

What made SEEDIG 6 a special event? How did we play with creative elements to bring innovation, art and fun at the meeting? Who participated?Head to our meeting website, where you can find answers to all these questions and more (session recordings, stats, etc.)

SEEDIG 7 PC: Call for volunteers

We are inviting expressions of interests from volunteers interested in joining the SEEDIG 7 Programme Committee (PC) – the group in charge with building the programme for the annual meeting.

Deadline: 5 February 2021

Youth School: Class of 2020

The 2020 Class of SEEDIG Youth School wrapped up a four-month programme with a debate on facial recognition technology and whether and how it should be used by law enforcement agencies in the region.

In focus

SEEDIG Executive Committee: Partial elections

The SEEDIG Executive Committee – in charge with coordinating SEEDIG activities – is elected by the community through an open election process, in line with the community-approved Terms of Reference for the Executive Committee (ToR).

In January 2021, a partial election process is initiated for two seats on the Executive Committee.

SEEDIG community members who meet the eligibility criteria (as per the ToR), including the two Executive Committee members whose terms are expiring, are eligible for election for the two seats. 

Our work

What we do

Annual meetings

We hold annual meetings to foster dialogue and cooperation between SEE+ stakeholders in addressing relevant digital policy issues, from closing the digital divide to taking advantage of the opportunities offered by emerging technologies such as the Internet of things and artificial intelligence.

Capacity development

We work to empower the SEE+ community through our capacity development programmes – such as the Youth School and the Fellowship Programme – dedicated to raising awareness on digital policy issues and strengthening the capacity of regional stakeholders to engage in addressing such issues at national, regional and international levels.

Publications and studies

Every month, we publish the SEEsummary – the only overview of Internet and digital policy developments in SEE+. We also conduct regional surveys to shed light on regional practices and tendencies regarding the use, evolution and governance of the Internet and other digital technologies.

Intersessional projects

Between two annual meetings, we carry out various intersessional projects to contribute to our mission and goals. Examples of such projects carried out throughout the years include the SEEDIG Road Show and the COVID-19 Tracking Apps in SEE+ project.


Who does what?


Contributes to planning and running SEEDIG activities, in a bottom-up, open, inclusive and transparent manner.

Executive Committee

Coordinates SEEDIG activities. Is voluntary and elected by the community. Is asssisted by various support teams.


Support SEEDIG activities in various ways. Include strategic partners, sponsors, and hosts of annual meetings.