CoinDesk is the media platform for the next generation of investors exploring how cryptocurrencies and digital assets are contributing to the evolution of the global financial system. Its mandate is to inform, educate, and connect the global investment community through news, data, events and education.

Founded in May 2013, CoinDesk reaches millions interested in digital assets and blockchain technology through its website, social media, newsletters, podcasts, video, research and live events. CoinDesk created the original price reference rate known as the Bitcoin Price Index in 2013 which is widely sourced in the media including The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, CNBC, and many others on a daily basis.

CoinDesk hosts the annual Consensus summit each May, the most important forward thinking blockchain technology gathering of stakeholders in the global blockchain ecosystem from around the world and is the anchor event and co-host of Blockchain Week NYC.

CoinDesk employs the largest group of independent journalists dedicated to covering the blockchain ecosystem. Read more about CoinDesk’s Ethics Policy

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