The annual CMS Unconference - 17/18 October 2020

Unconference & Talks

An unconference or barcamp is an attendee-driven conference. Announce your own topics during session planning.

Sunday session board

Your own topic

  • security and safety

    How to secure a web project. How to stay safe in Corona times.

  • Success Stories

    How your project benefits from open source applications.

  • your favorite extension

    Bring your own technical best practices or ask others about it.

  • multilanguage concepts

    What is translation? What is localization? What are your workflows?

  • accessibility

    Blind people are one of our target groups among others. Talks about challenges.

  • agile project management

    Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming, Waterfall, Prince2, V-Model. Project implementations in the age of agile.

  • privacy

    Get your digital sovereignty back. How to bridge the gap between comfort and responsibility.

  • usability

    How to solve the multiple-device challenges. Usability in the age of the internet fridge.

  • community-building

    Contributors are getting older. How to attract young talents.


Baddý Sonja Breidert

Why our company contributes massively to open source.

Digitalization Panel

A panel discussion of digital transformation questions from different points of view.

Alex Sander

Public Money, Public Code. Brought to you by the Free Software Foundation Europe.

Erhard Paul Meier

Corona, gardening and the fine arts.