A multi-faceted language for the Java platform

Apache Groovy is a powerful, optionally typed and dynamic language, with static-typing and static compilation capabilities, for the Java platform aimed at improving developer productivity thanks to a concise, familiar and easy to learn syntax. It integrates smoothly with any Java program, and immediately delivers to your application powerful features, including scripting capabilities, Domain-Specific Language authoring, runtime and compile-time meta-programming and functional programming.

Flat learning curve

Concise, readable and expressive syntax, easy to learn for Java developers

Smooth Java integration

Seamlessly and transparently integrates and interoperates with Java and any third-party libraries

Vibrant and rich ecosystem

Web development, reactive applications, concurrency / asynchronous / parallelism library, test frameworks, build tools, code analysis, GUI building

Powerful features

Closures, builders, runtime & compile-time meta-programming, functional programming, type inference, and static compilation

Domain-Specific Languages

Flexible & malleable syntax, advanced integration & customization mechanisms, to integrate readable business rules in your applications

Scripting and testing glue

Great for writing concise and maintainable tests, and for all your build and automation tasks

Apache Groovy events you shouldn't miss!

ApacheCon @Home

The latest innovations from dozens of Apache projects and their communities in a collaborative, vendor-neutral environment.

There is a whole track dedicated to Groovy!

GR8Conf & JDK IO
Copenhagen, Denmark

For the past 12 years, GR8Conf has provided a high-quality conference experience for the tight-knit Apache Groovy programming language community. This year, we are joining forces with JDK IO - an annual conference run by the Danish Java user group covering technologies relevant to the entire JVM. The combined conference will be known as GR8Conf & JDK IO and will focus on All Things Groovy and Java, with DevOps, Microservices and Frontend Technologies sprinkled in.

We feature the Hackergarten and have an awesome Meet & Greet with craft beers brewed by the crew!

For more events see the Events page

They all use Apache Groovy!