Diverse Speaker Workshop in Japanese Report

In August, we held a diversity speaker training in Japanese.
We held the training on August 16th, and those who attended were invited to speak at WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Ogijima 2020 on September 6th.

Announcement (Japanese) https://ogijima.wordcamp.org/2020/diversity-speaker/


Date: August 16, 2020
Time required: 3.5 hours
Participants: 4 signups
Facilitators: Junko Nukaga @nukaga, Shusei Toda @st810amaze


We used Zoom and Miro to do the training.

As we progressed, we put sticky notes in Miro and proceeded to brainstorm topics, narrowing them down and choosing one topic.

Finally, they decided on a topic, decided on a summary of the presentation, and wrote a title and summary during the training. We also shared tips on how to make a presentation.

Scripts and Slides Translation

For the script translation, we held a meeting at WordCamp Osaka 2019 Contributor Day at first. A group of volunteers met online once or twice a month and completed the translation.

Using the Google Document’s English version, we assigned a person for each chapter, translated, and reviewed. Translation work was done on a Google Document, and the final version is now published on our Handbook page.

The slide translation was done by copying the Google Slides and replacing the English words with Japanese.

Thanks for your help, @atachibana, @chiakikouno , @hsmt , @kappasan , @mimitips, @nao , @show-ko, @st810amaze , and @udfibonacci !


Since WordCamp Ogijima 2020 was an online session, we rehearsed in advance to switch screens, see the slides, and check microphones and video.

I think it’s good that we were able to thoroughly rehearse the talks because participants said that the more they practiced, the less nervous they became, and they were able to get prepared for machine problems and unexpected events.

Feedback from Participants

After the training was complete, we asked for feedback on the training itself via email. Here are some excerpts.

What was the one thing that went well?

  • Creating an outline of the speaker’s content
  • Topic selection
  • The training finished on time

What was the one thing that went wrong?

  • Title creation
  • Allocation of work time for each workpiece
  • Dictation speed (I talked too fast)
  • I didn’t know which topic to choose
  • I couldn’t look into the camera and talk

Was there anything you would like to change?

  • I want to change my lack of confidence
  • I’d like to get used to speaking publicly
  • I want to have more of variation in my slide design
  • I’m going to adjust the camera’s position better

Is there anything else we can do for you besides what you did?

  • I think it would have been very helpful to have international case studies of (easier-to-adopt) talk topics by the participants of this training
  • I would like to participate in more workshops about general tips on  presentation and slides

Did you ever feel nervous about anything?

  • Anytime I spoke
  • I was nervous when I had to present to people.


  • The slides that you explained to us were straightforward to understand, and the flow of putting them into practice while listening to them was very well-planned
  • The literal translation was easy to understand, with explanations added as needed.
  • I think I could produce a certain output level, but I also wanted to think about it more and brush up on it.
  • It might have been nice to have the hands-on work given as pre-assignments

Participants’ Blog (Japanese)

Impressions as an Organizer

This was the first diversity speaker training in Japan. The training was well-received by those who took it, and one of the participants took the stage as a speaker.
I came up with the idea of using Miro as a training tool at the last minute to prepare for it, but with Miro, I can see the progress of the people I’m training with, and it also leaves traces of my training, so I can use it to look back.
We used Japanese translations of the script and slides, but there were some cultural differences. I’d like to brush it up by adding annotations and other supporting information.

And this report was completed with the help of @nao. Thank you!

#diversespeakerworkshopsreports, #wpdiversity