WooCommerce Product Stock Alert


Never miss a sale now. This plugin lets prospective buyers subscribe to a product when it is out of stock. Once subscribed, customers will get email notification when the product becomes available. On the admin side – you may view number of interested customers for any out of stock product.


  • WooCommerce Product Stock Alert Plugin creates a form with an out of stock product. Interested customers can register with their email address.
  • When a customer subscribe any out of stock product on your site, an email will be sent to admin with customer email id and interested product.
  • This plugin also creates a field to the inventory of edit product page to show number of interested persons. This will let you decide how many stock you want to add further.
  • As soon as the product becomes available, an alert email will be sent to the interested persons.
  • This is an extremely light-weight plugin; it doesn’t hamper the speed of your website and ensures smooth transition.
  • This killer plugin is easy to set up, use and install. You need not be a coding or developing expert to understand how the plugin works. Just install and let it do the rest.
  • You can customize the form heading message, button text, color, hover color, alert message after form submission and etc. from plugin settings page.
  • You can customize email heading, email subject which will be sent to customers from WooCommerce email settings.
  • WooCommerce Product Stock Alert Plugin will work if product Backorder option is enabled.
  • You can change the default Stock Alert form position and display stock alert form in product page by using Shortcode [display_stock_alert_form].
  • An export option is added inside ‘Tools->WC Stock Alert Export’ to export subscribers’ list.
  • Customer can unsubscribe a product which he/she already subscribed.


  • WordPress 5.5+
  • WooCommerce 4.4+
  • Multilingual Support is included with the plugin and is fully compatible with WPML.


WooCommerce Product Stock Alert has provided customizable email structure. Admin can customize email Header as well as email Subject from WooCommerce settings panel.


Thanks heaps for trying this plugin. I hope it could serve your purpose. If you find this plugin is helpful, appreciate us by giving a 5/5 star and feel free to comment as well as suggest additional features. If you find the plugin is buggy, please do mention the reason and we will add or change options and fix bugs. For more information and instructions on this plugin please visit www.wc-marketplace.com.


  • Stock alert plugin settings panel
  • Stock alert admin email settings panel
  • Stock alert customer email settings panel
  • Stock alert customer confirmation email settings panel
  • An out of stock simple product with textarea to subscribe
  • An out of stock variable product with textarea to subscribe
  • An email sent to admin when a customer subscribed the product
  • Number of customers interested with out of stock products
  • Individual product edit page for simple product with number of interested persons
  • Individual product edit page for variable product when no customer is interested
  • Individual product edit page for variable product with number of interested persons
  • An email sent to the customer when the product becomes available
  • Plugin settings to customize stock alert form
  • A customized stock alert form
  • Export subscribers' list


  1. Upload your plugin folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins’ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Goto plugin settings and “Enable Stock Alert”.
  4. Customize email heading, email subject from WooCommerce email settings.
  5. All done. Just wait and watch how many customers are interested with an out of stock product of your Woostore.


Does this plugin work with newest WP version and also older versions?

Yes, this plugin works with WordPress 3.6 or later.

Does this plugin work with newest WooCommerce version and also older versions?

Yes, this plugin is compatible with WooCommerce 2.2 or later.

Does this plugin work with all types of theme

Yes, this plugin is compatible with all latest version of WooCommerce themes.

Does this plugin work with WooCommerce Subscription Product

Yes, this plugin works with WooCommerce Subscription Product.


June 4, 2020
Works well although some have claimed it generates extra queries but we haven't noticed much delays. The benefits outweigh the cons.
December 15, 2019
This works, but needs information how to clear the list when duplicating a product. Sometimes it's a good thing, but other times NOT. (to send them notice)
August 16, 2019
When this plugin is used with a variable product, it appears to perform 3 additional database queries on the product page for every product variation. For example, if you have a variable product with 10 different colors and 5 different sizes, it will perform 10 × 5 × 3 = 150 additional database queries on the product page. This is likely to cause a noticeable increase in page load time. (For purposes of comparison, WordPress and WooCommerce combined perform only about 70 database queries on the same page.) I would not recommend using this plugin unless your store has only simple products (or perhaps variable products with only a small number of variations).
April 15, 2019
I was using this plugin for quite awhile. But in the past couple months this plugin has been causing all sorts of problems. When you duplicate a product that has customers waiting for it to come back in stock and you publish the duplicated product you get a 500 error every time. I don't believe it is even notifying anyone anymore and traffic isn't increasing like it used to when products come back into stock. Hope the developer decides to update the application.
April 10, 2019
Based on my testing. This plugin works and the notifications as well but only if I change the stock of a product via option "EDIT PRODUCT" and not via "QUICK CHANGE". On the other hand, this plugin is for free so I'm really happy about existing this plugin!
Read all 42 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WooCommerce Product Stock Alert” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“WooCommerce Product Stock Alert” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “WooCommerce Product Stock Alert” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


1.7.1 – 2020-09-28

  • Fixed – Remove Product Subscribers #12.
  • Added – WooCommerce 4.5.2 compatibility.
  • Updated : Language files.

1.7.0 – 2020-08-29

  • Fixed – Alert box display for backorder products also.
  • Fixed – Product – Variations name added for variable product in export file.
  • Added – WordPress 5.5 compatibility.
  • Added – WooCommerce 4.4.1 compatibility.


  • Woocommerce 3.8+ compatibility added
  • Fix : Stock alert mail price issue fix #1.


  • Woocommerce 3.6+ compatibility added
  • Fix : Static Function issue.
  • Enhancement : Product price with / without tax support via email.
  • Enhancement : Subscriber list export feature.


  • Fix : Remove subscriber for variable product.
  • Fix : Email issue for variation updated via Bulk Stock Management.
  • Fix : Undefined product method notice.


  • Fix : Simple product out of stock issue.


  • Fix : Minor script issue.


  • Fix : Stock alert function issue.
  • Updated : Language files.


  • Added : Product bulk remove subscribers added.
  • Updated : Language files.
  • Fix : Woocommerce backorders issue.
  • Fix : Fixed some minor issues.


  • Added : Woocommerce product inventory settings added with stock alert.
  • Added : Stock alert email subject and heading customizable.
  • Fix : Fixed some minor issues.


  • Fix : Fixed alert box issues for variations.


  • Added: Support for Loco Translate plugin.
  • Added: POT file in language folder
  • Updated: Plugin text domain from product_stock_alert to woocommerce-product-stock-alert
  • Updated: Language files.
  • Woocommerce 3.0.9 compatibility added


  • Fix : Fixed some backend settings option issues.


  • Added : Product variation details added into stock alert emails.
  • Fix : Fixed some minor issues.


  • Fix : Fixed stock alert shortcode issue.


  • Fix : Fixed product alert form appearance issue.
  • Fix : Fixed backend product Interested Person(s) column sortable issue.


  • Woocommerce 3.0+ compatibility added
  • Added : Number of Interested persons shown on product page with backend settings.
  • Added : Product Interested Person(s) column sortable functionalities.
  • Fix : Fixed backend woocommerce order issue.
  • Fix : Fixed variation product alert form and its issues.


  • Added : Added some CSS/JS on buttons call.
  • Fix : Fixed stock alert fields disappearance on error message display behavior.


  • Fix : Fixed some fatal errors, now plugin will work with WooCommerce 2.6+..


  • Features : Customer can unsubscribe a product which he/she already subscribed.
  • Feature : A confirmation mail will be sent to subscriber after subscribe a product.
  • Feature : [display_stock_alert_form] => Shortcode to display stock alert form in product page.
  • Feature : An export option is added inside ‘Tools->WC Stock Alert Export’ to export subscribers’ list.


  • Features : New options added into plugin settings panel to customize alert message after form submission.
  • Fix : Fixed some issues, now plugin will work with WooCommerce 2.4+.


  • Stock alert form will be displayed on backorder product properly.
  • Sending alert email automatically when backorder is enabled and in-stock is selected issue has been resolved.


  • Works with “WooCommerce Subscription Products”.
  • Now this plugin works with Backorders even “in-stock” is selected.


  • Plugin settings panel is added to customize stock alert form.
  • Now alert email will be send as soon as product becomes in-stock.
  • Now plugin will work with Backorders.


  • Fixed minor bug and compatible with latest WooCommerce.


  • Fixed some issue and now plugin is working with Variable product.


  • Initial release.