• MyBuilder TV ad 2020 (40 sec): If Homes Could Talk

    24,122 views 5 months ago
    Find-a-tradesperson service MyBuilder brings houses to life to sing a rousing rendition of Delilah.

    The advert centres around the truth that the best tradespeople take pride in a job done right and that they don't just work for the client, they work for the good of the house, too. If homes could talk, they would recommend MyBuilder.

    The ad features houses, switches and even a sink singing about where to find good, available tradespeople to the tune of the song made famous by Tom Jones in the ‘60s.

    The 40-second brand advert was directed by Noah Harris (Gorillaz, Sainsbury’s, WWF) who used traditional puppeteering and animation techniques. It was produced by Agile Films. Show less
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