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Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a popular web framework that happens to power [](/) ❤️

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Demystifying cookie security in Rails 6

Demystifying cookie security in Rails 6

Reactions 7
8 min read
Travel in time in development/staging/... in your Rails app

Travel in time in development/staging/... in your Rails app

Reactions 1
1 min read


Reactions 5
3 min read
Rails Image Helper

Rails Image Helper

Reactions 9
3 min read
Cancelling a stripe subscription on 'period end'

Cancelling a stripe subscription on 'period end'

Reactions 5 Comments 1
1 min read
8 Common Types of Technical Debt with Rails Applications

8 Common Types of Technical Debt with Rails Applications

Reactions 18
8 min read
Turbolinks is dead, long live Turbo ⚡

Turbolinks is dead, long live Turbo ⚡

Reactions 6 Comments 8
2 min read
Pagination in Rails

Pagination in Rails

Reactions 12 Comments 6
2 min read
Class Journal - JavaScript and Rails Project

Class Journal - JavaScript and Rails Project

Reactions 5
6 min read
Rails Basic Template

Rails Basic Template

Reactions 10
3 min read
Email and Text from Rails

Email and Text from Rails

Reactions 9 Comments 2
9 min read
Test ALL your static pages in rails with one simple test

Test ALL your static pages in rails with one simple test

Reactions 8 Comments 2
2 min read
My beloved Stimulus.js cheat sheet

My beloved Stimulus.js cheat sheet

Reactions 11
1 min read
Basic Rails Website Header

Basic Rails Website Header

Reactions 6
4 min read
On Death and Dying: Ruby on Rails

On Death and Dying: Ruby on Rails

Reactions 80 Comments 23
6 min read
Sending SMS Text from a Ruby App

Sending SMS Text from a Ruby App

Reactions 5
6 min read
Rails DB Schema Visualization

Rails DB Schema Visualization

Reactions 7
2 min read
Ruby/Rails Machine Setup Guide

Ruby/Rails Machine Setup Guide

Reactions 6 Comments 2
3 min read
Building a JavaScript frontend and Rails API backend Project for Beginners

Building a JavaScript frontend and Rails API backend Project for Beginners

Reactions 6 Comments 1
3 min read
Instalación de Ruby on Rails en WSL2 y zsh

Instalación de Ruby on Rails en WSL2 y zsh

Reactions 4
2 min read
How I reduced the runtime of an RSpec test suite by 15%

How I reduced the runtime of an RSpec test suite by 15%

Reactions 28 Comments 3
7 min read
Form object patterns in Rails: Stop creating services for everything with YAAF

Form object patterns in Rails: Stop creating services for everything with YAAF

Reactions 18
5 min read
MVC and REST, Simplified

MVC and REST, Simplified

Reactions 2
3 min read
One does not simply build a rails project...

One does not simply build a rails project...

Reactions 6
2 min read
Avoiding session replay attacks in Rails

Avoiding session replay attacks in Rails

Reactions 6
7 min read
Deploy Rails static assets to CloudFront CDN - during Docker build time

Deploy Rails static assets to CloudFront CDN - during Docker build time

Reactions 4
6 min read
Changing sate before saving to the database in Rails

Changing sate before saving to the database in Rails

Reactions 5
3 min read
Como atualizamos nosso Rails aqui no Catarse

Como atualizamos nosso Rails aqui no Catarse

Reactions 5
11 min read
How to use modals with forms in Rails using Turbo

How to use modals with forms in Rails using Turbo

Reactions 24 Comments 12
5 min read
Bulk Update: Active Record Vs. raw SQL

Bulk Update: Active Record Vs. raw SQL

Reactions 5
5 min read
My Path to the Rails Way: Part One

My Path to the Rails Way: Part One

Reactions 7 Comments 6
3 min read
Resize Images with Active Storage in Rails

Resize Images with Active Storage in Rails

Reactions 10
2 min read
Understanding Ruby On Rails in 10 Tweets

Understanding Ruby On Rails in 10 Tweets

Reactions 30 Comments 3
1 min read
Rails 6 ActionCable basics with React

Rails 6 ActionCable basics with React

Reactions 6
3 min read
The Basics of Rails I18n - Translate errors, models, and attributes

The Basics of Rails I18n - Translate errors, models, and attributes

Reactions 5 Comments 1
5 min read
Log in with JWT Authentication in Rails and React

Log in with JWT Authentication in Rails and React

Reactions 7
4 min read
Using Bcrypt with Ruby

Using Bcrypt with Ruby

Reactions 9
2 min read
Stop using the environment variables for sensitive keys in Rails

Stop using the environment variables for sensitive keys in Rails

Reactions 4
4 min read
Great Ruby Gems Most People Haven’t Heard About

Great Ruby Gems Most People Haven’t Heard About

Reactions 17 Comments 2
3 min read
Happy New Year 2021 to Ruby developers!

Happy New Year 2021 to Ruby developers!

Reactions 7 Comments 1
1 min read
Dynamically Create Objects With Plain Ruby on Rails. (No Javascript)

Dynamically Create Objects With Plain Ruby on Rails. (No Javascript)

Reactions 5
4 min read
The server is back, baby

The server is back, baby

Reactions 27 Comments 2
2 min read
Using Rails UJS Confirmations in Stimulus and StimulusReflex

Using Rails UJS Confirmations in Stimulus and StimulusReflex

Reactions 7
2 min read
Stimulus 2.0 Value change callbacks. What are they good for?

Stimulus 2.0 Value change callbacks. What are they good for?

Reactions 5 Comments 3
6 min read
Flash messages with Hotwire

Flash messages with Hotwire

Reactions 17
2 min read
Inline Editing With turbo_frame_tag (hotwire-rails)

Inline Editing With turbo_frame_tag (hotwire-rails)

Reactions 16 Comments 1
1 min read
How to Prepare Your Rails App for an Upgrade

How to Prepare Your Rails App for an Upgrade

Reactions 6
4 min read
Understanding blank?, present?, empty?, any?, and nil? in Ruby (and Rails)

Understanding blank?, present?, empty?, any?, and nil? in Ruby (and Rails)

Reactions 34 Comments 4
4 min read
When Should You Upgrade Your Rails Application?

When Should You Upgrade Your Rails Application?

Reactions 3
5 min read
Redirecting users to their intended url via the session hash in rails after signing in.

Redirecting users to their intended url via the session hash in rails after signing in.

Reactions 6
2 min read
Deploy a Rails API/React Frontend App to Heroku with Sessions & Cookies Authentication

Deploy a Rails API/React Frontend App to Heroku with Sessions & Cookies Authentication

Reactions 14 Comments 1
6 min read
Top reasons to love Ruby on Rails

Top reasons to love Ruby on Rails

Reactions 24
3 min read
Workaround for "rails g scaffold" hangs

Workaround for "rails g scaffold" hangs

Reactions 2 Comments 1
1 min read
Rails N+1 queries and eager loading

Rails N+1 queries and eager loading

Reactions 9
3 min read
Happy Ruby 3 Release Day!!!

Happy Ruby 3 Release Day!!!

Reactions 4
1 min read
Design a multitenant application on Rails 6 with horizontal sharding

Design a multitenant application on Rails 6 with horizontal sharding

Reactions 11
3 min read
Webpacker 6: Tutorial Setup

Webpacker 6: Tutorial Setup

Reactions 17
1 min read
From Turbolinks to Turbo

From Turbolinks to Turbo

Reactions 18 Comments 2
1 min read
Webpacker 6: Image Asset Guide

Webpacker 6: Image Asset Guide

Reactions 9
1 min read
Webpacker 6: Upgrade Guide

Webpacker 6: Upgrade Guide

Reactions 10
2 min read