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Build with speed and confidence.

Deliver faster, more powerful sites and applications on our secure, programmable edge cloud platform.

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100Tbps network capacity1

13s mean global deploy time2

19T monthly requests served3

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homepage stat globe nimbus


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NYT greyscale
Boots greyscale
Stripe greyscale
A&E greyscale

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The future of security at the edge.

Fastly and Signal Sciences have joined forces to transform the security landscape. We are on a mission to build the next generation of web application and API protection.

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Your business. Your platform.

Deliver the best online experiences possible with our edge cloud platform, built to strengthen your current teams and technology. We move data and applications closer to your users — at the edge of the network — to help your websites and apps perform faster, safer, and at global scale.

We help good companies do great things.

Meet our customers

The Guardian Stripe A&E BuzzFeed FuboTV Github

Where developers feel right at home.

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Commit to the edge

Safely build custom apps, create your own logic and rules at the edge, and leverage our highly customizable edge computing language.

Real-time everything

Instantly tailor content, get real-time insights on traffic, and make decisions that you can push to production in seconds.

Seamless implementation. More automation.

Tap into an API-first platform that you can fully make your own, and go from custom code to deployment while automating processes and streamlining workflows.

Solve more interesting problems

With reduced origin traffic, you can free up developer time, test new ideas at the edge, and push the boundaries with Fastly Labs.

  1. 100Tbps as of June 2020

  2. Mean global deploy time as of Mar 31, 2019

  3. 19 trillion monthly images served as of Nov 11, 2019

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