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MOSCOW, Nov 25 (PRIME) -- Chinese company Xiaomi does not rule out expansion of Russian production of its devices, Yu Man, head of Xiaomi in Russia and the CIS, told PRIME on Wednesday in an interview.
Central Bank Official Rate
1W 1M 1Y
EUR 89.2044 -0.7651 09 dec
USD 73.6618 -0.5888 09 dec
Stock Market Indices
1D 1W 1M 1Y
rtsi 1368.86 +0.85 18:50 07 dec
micex 3195.08 +0.33 18:50 07 dec
Stock Quotes in RUR
1D 1W 1M 1Y
gazp 191.48 +1.42 20:20 07 dec
lkoh 5071.00 -1.00 20:20 07 dec
rosn 441.85 -0.66 20:20 07 dec
sber 274.93 +1.83 20:20 07 dec
MICEX Ruble Trading
1D 1W 1M 1Y
EURTD 89.9725 -0.3550 14:59 07 dec
USDTD 73.5250 -0.3575 17:44 07 dec