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Giulio Canti

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Getting started with fp-ts: Reader

Getting started with fp-ts: Reader

Reactions 135 Comments 14
3 min read
Type holes in TypeScript

Type holes in TypeScript

Reactions 90 Comments 3
3 min read
Getting started with fp-ts: IO

Getting started with fp-ts: IO

Reactions 125 Comments 15
4 min read
Getting started with fp-ts: Monad

Getting started with fp-ts: Monad

Reactions 130 Comments 10
6 min read
Getting started with fp-ts: Either vs Validation

Getting started with fp-ts: Either vs Validation

Reactions 149 Comments 15
3 min read
Getting started with fp-ts: Applicative

Getting started with fp-ts: Applicative

Reactions 82 Comments 2
4 min read
Getting started with fp-ts: Functor

Getting started with fp-ts: Functor

Reactions 121 Comments 9
5 min read
Getting started with fp-ts: Category

Getting started with fp-ts: Category

Reactions 115 Comments 1
4 min read
Functional design: Algebraic Data Types

Functional design: Algebraic Data Types

Reactions 137 Comments 8
5 min read
Functional design: TDD in TypeScript (aka abusing `declare`)

Functional design: TDD in TypeScript (aka abusing `declare`)

Reactions 83 Comments 1
3 min read
Introduction to property based testing

Introduction to property based testing

Reactions 69 Comments 4
2 min read
Getting started with fp-ts: Monoid

Getting started with fp-ts: Monoid

Reactions 114
3 min read
Getting started with fp-ts: Semigroup

Getting started with fp-ts: Semigroup

Reactions 122 Comments 6
6 min read
Functional design: smart constructors

Functional design: smart constructors

Reactions 112 Comments 4
2 min read
Getting started with fp-ts: Ord

Getting started with fp-ts: Ord

Reactions 118 Comments 10
3 min read
Getting started with fp-ts: Eq

Getting started with fp-ts: Eq

Reactions 224 Comments 5
3 min read
Functional design: tagless final

Functional design: tagless final

Reactions 65 Comments 1
4 min read
Functional design: how to make the `time` combinator more general

Functional design: how to make the `time` combinator more general

Reactions 42 Comments 1
3 min read
Functional design: combinators

Functional design: combinators

Reactions 148 Comments 6
3 min read
Interoperability with non functional code using fp-ts

Interoperability with non functional code using fp-ts

Reactions 170 Comments 6
2 min read