How-to Guides
- Add “Powered by WordPress VIP” to your site
- Add guest bylines to your content with Co-Authors Plus
- Analyze your HTTP request logs with GoAccess
- Change or remove HTTP headers added by VIP Go
- Code Quality and Best Practices
- Code Review
- Configure a reverse proxy
- Configure builds on CircleCI
- Configure builds on Travis CI
- Create good changesets
- Customize user roles
- Disable the privacy tools in WordPress
- Enable Query Monitor on my site
- Flush the page cache
- How to configure the VIP Go Geo Uniques plugin
- Launch A Site With VIP
- Manage user access
- Manually log errors in New Relic
- Modify the robots.txt file
- Prepare for site launch
- Protected embeds on VIP Go
- Retire a site from VIP Go
- Retrieve the URL of a file without the CDN URL
- Self-Launch A Site
- Set up a VIP Go local development environment for Windows
- Set up a VIP Go local development site
- Set up the ads.txt file
- Strip image metadata on upload
- Test Jetpack on VIP Go
- Upload languages to the language directory
- Write a good commit message
- Write custom WP-CLI commands