
17 years ago, several talented programmers launched a free email service Mail.Ru in St. Petersburg. 

Today Mail.Ru Group operates two of the three largest Russian language online social networking sites (Odnoklassniki and Moi Mir (or "My World")). The Company also operates two largest Instant Messaging networks in Russia (Mail.Ru Agent and ICQ), Russia's leading email service and Russia's largest Internet portal as well as Russia's largest online games platform.

Over 3 500 people work in our offices worldwide. In November 2010, Mail.Ru Group became the first Russian Internet company listed on the London Stock Exchange.

We are willing to invest in startups. We are primarily interested in online projects at the scaling stage, targeted at the global market.

To submit your project for an initial review, please, send your business plan to  [email protected]. You can see estimated structure of the business plan here.

in the world

For apps-developers

Producing of the games

Mail.Ru Group team includes the best specialists of games producing. We can join the development of game at any stage - from concept to launch. Comprehensive care includes design consulting, gameplay testing and debugging, music and text creation, sound design and full localization for foreign markets.

Investments in games

We are absolutely sure that great games are obtained in those teams who are passionate about creating process. Therefore we can undertake all administrative matters in our own hands. As a publisher we practice individual approach to each development team.

We will choose the best and most flexible scheme of partnership, so that you could make a real hit!