Impressions of ThingsCon Amsterdam 2016

On this page we have gathered the reports on ThingsCon Amsterdam 2016 (1 & 2 December). Find the pictures, videos and reports organised around the different talks and sessions. Let us know if we missed a report!

Next to this specific reports on talks and sessions a couple of general reports have been published. In advance Iskander Smit was interviewed at Fast Moving Targets. Adformatie did two reports for each day (in Dutch): day 1 and day 2. Numrush dedicated a podcast on ThingsCon and did a report. Marcel and Iskander were interviewed for the Thingscast podcast. Keep updated throught the new Medium publication on ThingsCon. We made a social media report. TIStv did also a report. And of course we have a great aftermovie!

If you want to check our schedule of 2016 conference, it is still online here.



Thursday 1 December

Welcome by Marcel Schouwenaar and Iskander Smit

We opened the conference with an introduction in the focused mission of ThingsCon and some context to that.

ThingsCon Amsterdam 2016 – Welcome by Iskander Smit and Marcel Schouwenaar from ThingsConAMS


Opening keynote Peter Bihr

One of the founders of ThingsCon Berlin kicked off this year’s edition with an overview on the state of the Internet of Things. Read our report here.


ThingsCon Amsterdam: A responsible Internet of Things from Peter Bihr



We had two workshop slots on the first day, ranging from hands-on workshops to panel-discussions. We will add presentations and videos as soon as they are available. Not all sessions have been registered.


Blockchain for things

Introduction presentation by Chris Speed

ThingsCon Amsterdam 2016 – Block exchange – workshop intro – Chris Speed from ThingsConAMS


A journey into the cradle of things

A panel discussion on the experiences of the ThingsCon team in Shenzhen making the first part of the documentary with the same name. This video registration covers the complete session.


Next thing you know

Design fiction is a great tool for designers to envision the consequences of the design choices. Changeist put up a workshop to learn making this design fiction and created a newspaper with the stories. The team have published a report on the Medium-publication of Thingclash:

Report on Next thing you know


Design Tools & Methods

Dries De Roeck and Ricardo Brito ran the workshop on design ideation tools twice. They made a write-up at the ThingsCon Medium publication:

Report on Design Tools & Methods

Interview with Dries De Roeck

Studio Dott published a report here.



Read the report of Simon Höher on the session.

ThingsConLab Working Session

ThingsCon Lab – Intro and Overview from Simon Höher

Interview with Simon Höher


Product as agents, designing for adaptive things

Workshop to explore the research of Nazli Cila on cases for design for dementia. The introduction presentation:

ThingsCon Amsterdam 2016 – Workshop Products as Agents – Nazli Cila, Iskander Smit from ThingsConAMS


The Design of a Playful Internet of Things

In this session a couple of presentations on the design for the internet of toys. We add the slides as we receive them.

ThingsCon Amsterdam 2016 – Workshop Internet of Toys – Wouter Reeskamp from ThingsConAMS

Wouter Reeskamp: Studio Sophisti is a Connected Product Design Company often active in the field of toys and games. With products like Scottie (a connected doll for hospitalised kids) Ping (a connected lamp) and GameChanger (an interactive gameboard) we have gained experience with the Internet of Toys. During the session we shared some of the challenges we faced and our solutions to these.

Interview with Dimitri Hadjichristou of PrimoToys


Spec the Stack

How to design for trust?

ThingsCon Amsterdam 2016 – Spec the Stack workshop from ThingsConAMS


Partner pitches

Triggi, Connectable, Studio Sophisti,, Makerversity did a pitch as IoT frontrunners and supporters of ThingsCon Amsterdam.


Closing keynote Bram Geenen

The keynote van Bram Geenen on the work of Wevolver, the open hardware platform. Read this report.











Friday 2 December

Welcome Jann de Waal

CLICKNL is the main partner of this year’s ThingsCon again. Jann de Waal is member of the board and part of the Topteam Creative Industries. He is interviewed to describe the importance of ThingsCon for the creative industries. From R&D towards Design and Research. Read more here.


Opening keynote Ame Elliot

Ame Elliot is opening the Friday keynote speakers with a insightful talk on designing for security and privacy in an connected age. She did a workshop on the same theme later that day.
Read here a report.

Interview in The ThingCast podcast.


Demos announcement

An important part of the ThingsCon experience is the demo space where different organisations and companies present their connceted products or services. We asked them to quickly introduce themselves on stage.



Smart Citizens

During this session we compared several projects that aim to use technology to facilitate smart citizens in making their neighborhood or city even more interesting to live in. We had presentations by Peter van Waart (Creating010/Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences on the OneBlok project), Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (Het Nieuwe Instituut on DATAstudio project in Eindhoven), Frank Kresin (Waag Society on Smart Citizen Kit) and Usman Haque (Umbrellium, on Voice Over project). After the presentations we had a panel discussion and interaction with the attendees. The purpose of all projects is to empower the people to live better together. The approach is slightly different with all. And different level of technology.

The complete session can be watched here:


Check also the interviews and slides of some of the speakers.

ThingsCon Amsterdam 2016 – Smart Citizen workshop – Usman Haque from ThingsConAMS


Keynote Alper Cugun

Alper Cugun has a background as gamedesigner and engineer and became interested in the power of the chat as interaction model. In his presentation he dives in to the current status of designing for conversational interfaces. Read the report here.

ThingsCon Amsterdam 2016 – Alper Cugun from ThingsConAMS


Keynote Michelle Thorne

In her talk Michelle shows how we could see the Internet of Things as a return to a local crafts movement. Read the report on this site here.


Keynote Justyna Zubrycka

One of the good cases of responsible and human-centric IoT is the Vai Kai dolls. We invited them to present on the design challenges. Check this report.


Keynote Taco Carlier

The internet of bikes is an important domain in the Netherland IoT. Vanmoof is a local (Amsterdam) bike maker with international customer base. They are moving towards becoming a digital company too as Taco explains in the interview on stage. More on the interview here.


Keynote David Li

We made the Shenzhen makers movement into an important theme of this year’s ThingsCon Amsterdam. David Li is director of the Shenzhen open innovation lab and is presenting on the way this new movement works. A report can be found here.

Listen also this interview on CRTV.


Workshop highlights

The workshops energy defined the ThingsCon conference even more this year. We asked a couple of the hosts to share their experiences.


Keynote Usman Haque

We had a great closing keynote by Usman Haque diving deep in the challenges as a designer of the always connected world we live in, the external contexts that are not all positive and ending with a hopeful message. Read the report on the site.

ThingsCon Amsterdam 2016 – keynote Usman Haque from ThingsConAMS

Interview in Adformatie (in Dutch)









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