Trustable Technology:
The Trustable Technology project empowers consumers to make informed decisions & enables companies to prove their connected products are trustworthy.Please note that the Trustable Technology Mark prototype has officially concluded and is not accepting applications.
For those companies who already have done the hard work, documenting their work is easy and quick. The certification process is free.
How does the Trustmark work?
The Trustable Technology Mark evaluates 5 dimensions that are essential to establish the trustworthiness of a connected device. The application consists of a self-assessment questionnaire followed by a review by experts from the ThingsCon network.
Privacy & Data Practices
Is it designed using state of the art data practices, and respectful of user rights?
Is it made clear to users what the device does and how data might be used?
Is it designed and built using state of the art security practices and safeguards?
How robust is the device and how long of a life cycle can a consumer reasonably expect?
How open are both the device and the manufacturer‘s processes? Is open data used or generated?
The Trustable Technology Mark is wrapping up, Trustable Technology lives on
We’ll be wrapping up the Trustable Technology Mark prototype. We want to use this opportunity to reflect, share what we learned, and look ahead to new opportunities around Trustable Technology. What’s happening? After about two years, we’ll be wrapping up the Trustable Technology Mark: This prototype officially comes to an end, and we will not […]17.07.20
Trustable Technology Mark: What we learned in year 1
Within the ThingsCon network, and with the generous support of the Mozilla Foundation, we developed and launched the Trustable Technology Mark, a trustmark for connected products. Why do we need a trustmark for the Internet of Things (IoT)? Most connected products (IoT for short) are essentially black boxes: As consumers we don’t really know what’s […]04.11.19
Note: Temporarily pausing Trustmark reviews while we improve internal processes
Just a quick note: We’ll be temporarily pausing reviews while setting up more robust review structures and processes, as well as improved governance structures. This is a good sign: It’s time to ramp up our review capacity, and to iteratively improve our workflows based on a few months of learning. In the meantime, the application […]23.05.19