
This overview shows our current projects. For older projects that have been completed, visit our project archive.

  • We code
    Future Internet Lab
    Healthy internet isn't free. Waag is researching a method for micro donation to open, fair and inclusive online tools and services.
  • We code
    Future Internet Lab
    Waag works together with Leiden University to create a Code for children's rights, creating a safer digital environment for children.
  • We care
    MakeHealth Lab
    Art4Med builds towards stable relationships between artists and medical researchers, incorporating open science and technology.
  • We learn
    Maker Education Lab
    Transforming schools into community partnerships. Maker education and citizen science function as a transformative approach for Open Schooling.
  • We learn
    Maker Education Lab
    Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam and Waag are innovating textile education by developing a learning line in textiles for students on the VMBO level.
  • We learn
    Future Heritage Lab
    Nine cities, including Amsterdam, are working together to develop inclusive and sustainable Fab City Hubs at industrial heritage sites.
  • We code
    Future Internet Lab
    Commissioned by the RVO, Waag is developing a Public Stack for the charging infrastructure of electric vehicles.
  • We learn
    Future Heritage Lab
    In het project Mixed Reality voor erfgoed onderzoekt Waag hoe mixed reality kan bijdragen aan het ervaren van een erfgoedlocatie. De focus van het…
  • We make
    Culture.Fashion is an open, value-driven network of people and organisations who want to work together on a future-proof fashion sector in the…
  • We make
    Open Wetlab
    Addressing ecological challenges by blurring the lines between biology and technology: together with artists, we are working on Smart Hybrid Forms.
  • We make
    Open Design Lab
    Better Factory will provide methodology and opportunities for manufacturers to collaborate with artists at developing new and personalized products.
  • We make
    Open Wetlab
    Hybrid Lab Network is a European consortium that improves and innovates STEAM education, particularly in the field of biosciences.