
One of the ambitions of Waag is to bring relevant technologies and concepts that have been developed to the market. This valorisation from prototype to product takes place in associated ventures or to delegate the production, sales and distribution to third parties. All products originate from earlier Waag research projects.

  • Waag
    Fairphone’s mission is to bring a fair smartphone to the market – one made entirely of parts produced and utilised without harming individuals or the…
  • Waag
    7scenes was a mobile storytelling platform that provided organisations with tools to develop location-based tours and games.
  • Waag
    'De Populair' was an unique product: an interactive tree, which brought connection, surprise and energy to every location in which it was placed.
  • Waag
    Culture Grid was an initiative of Waag to offer an optical fibre connection to cultural institutions in Amsterdam.
  • Waag
    Pilotus software enabled people with a mental challenge to communicate with their relatives, friends and carers.
  • Waag
    Waag has a long experience in creating interactive multimedia furniture. About 100 Storytables have been placed throughout The Netherlands for…