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  • Arctic Code Vault Contributor
  • Pro


@airlift @starburstdata @trinodb

Popular repositories

  1. Port of LevelDB to Java

    Java 1.3k 334

  2. Port of Snappy to Java

    Java 334 71

  3. Galaxy as been renamed and moved to Airship

    Java 17 7

  4. Git-like-cli as been renamed and moved to Airline

    Java 17 5

  5. Port of Memcached to Java

    Java 8 6

  6. Low level memory access in Java

    Java 6 5

630 contributions in the last year

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Mon Wed Fri
Activity overview
Contributed to trinodb/trino, airlift/airlift, trinodb/ and 5 other repositories

Contribution activity

December 2020

Created 1 commit in 1 repository

Created a pull request in trinodb/trino that received 2 comments

Fix dynamic system tables for clusters with multiple coordinators

Existing code assumes that session is valid on all coordinators when accessing dynamic system tables. Fixes #5998

+40 −75 2 comments

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