You train the next generation of software developers.

That's a big job. Teach your students with the industry-standard tools, so they can shine on technical teams.

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GitHub Teacher Toolbox

Utilize industry-leading tools in your classroom, at no cost. Automate, monitor, and improve your workflow using resources provided by some of our partners and friends.

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GitHub Campus Advisors

As a GitHub Campus Advisor, you’re not only a master of Git and GitHub, but you champion the use of real-world tools at your school and beyond.

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GitHub Classroom

The power of the Git and GitHub workflow, scaled for the needs of students. Track and manage assignments, grade work automatically, and catch students when they get stuck.

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GitHub Education Community

Where veteran teachers share tips, tricks, and scripts. Collaborate with other educators and GitHubbers. Tell your story, ask questions, and share technology education resources.

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See how other schools use GitHub

Over 1 million teachers, students and schools around the world use GitHub to accomplish their learning goals. See how they do it and use their blueprints for your own course.

UC Berkeley
FIRST Robotics
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Teacher training to master Git and GitHub

Learn how to teach with GitHub. Understand what makes Git work under the hood and effectively lead your classroom with the tools developers use.

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GitHub Swag for Teachers

After verifying your academic employment by joining the Teacher Toolbox, you will be able to request Git cheat sheets, Markdown guides, and of course, stickers for your students. Please indicate the number of students you teach and your school mailing address when making your request.

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