WordCamp News

Get your free ticket to WordCamp Finland Online!

WordCamp Finland 2020 is just right around the corner and speaker announcements have started to roll out! The online event with two session tracks takes place November 12 at 12-17 UTC+2. Our organizing team is super excited about the event and upcoming content!

Tickets for WordCamp Finland Online 2020 are absolutely free! We strongly recommend registering for a ticket, as this will give you the full WordCamp experience. This will give you access to Q&A sessions, networking opportunities with speakers, sponsors and other attendees. If you would rather not register, you will still be able to watch the talks.

Register free for the WordCamp Finland Online.

First speakers have been announced and more speakers as well as the full schedule will be announced shortly! Make sure to follow us on Twitter to get the news about new announcements.

There’s also still open call for volunteers to help us during the event day. Being a volunteer is more than lending a hand, it is the secret sauce that makes a wordcamp a WordCamp! Make sure to apply if you’d like to help make the event.

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WordCamp Finland Online 2020 is coming!

We are pleased to announce that the WordCamp Finland Online will on November 12 2020, 12:00-17:00 Helsinki time (UTC+2). Check the time in your local timezone.

We are looking for speakers to present their knowledge, skills, experiences, and stories with the WordPress community. Applications from all areas of expertise are most welcome.

Call for Speakers is open now! Submissions will close on October 2, 2020. See all details and send your application on Call for Speakers page.

WordCamps would be nothing without awesome sponsors, helping us to cover the costs and providing great offers for attendees! Not forgetting all the useful information they provide.

Call for Sponsors will open soon, we are currently finalizing our offerings for sponsors! If you are interested to sponsor WordCamp Finland Online 2020, make sure to subscribe for updates!

Tickets to WordCamp Finland Online 2020 will be free of charge! Registration is not required but recommended for getting the full experience and all the offers from our sponsors.

Remember to subscribe, using the form in the footer, to stay up to date regarding event news and announcements. We’ll be posting regularly in the months leading up to WordCamp Finland with information about speakers, tickets, and practical information.

You will also be able to find updates from our Twitter. The official hashtag for WordCamp Finland Online is #WCFI. If you need to reach us you can comment on one of our social media posts or contact us using the website.

We hope you’ll join us online in November!

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WordCamp Genève 2020 cancelled due to COVID-19

You are probably all well aware that the situation regarding the coronavirus pandemic is far from improving. The number of positive cases in Switzerland is rising again, and the measures imposed by the Swiss authorities – in particular social distancing – do not facilitate the organisation of public events.

Given the uncertainty of further developments of the situation and the sanitary measures already mentioned, the organising team of WordCamp Genève has decided to cancel the event in 2020. It seems a shame to hold a WordCamp with a reduced number of attendees and where everyone would be obliged to keep their distance. Furthermore, the WordPress Foundation insists that speakers must all be local at in-person gatherings organised during the current global health emergency.

For all these reasons, we regrettably have to cancel the WordCamp Genève 2020 that we had initially postponed from March to October, subject to a final decision in July. We are very sorry to disappoint you. Still, we prefer to wait for better days – in the course of 2021 if the health situation improves – to offer you a “real” WordCamp in a friendly atmosphere rather than a “restricted” event.

Purchased tickets and the amounts allocated by our sponsors will, of course, be refunded.

We thank you for your understanding and look forward to welcoming you in Geneva as soon as possible.

The organising team of WordCamp Genève 2020

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WordCamp Athens 2020 is Cancelled

Dear friends all over the world,

although Greece is one the safest destinations to visit we can not ignore the ongoing global spread of COVID-19. This fact has been the main reason which led our hard decision to cancel WordCamp Athens 2020.

The decision to cancel WCATH 2020 was made with our best intentions to protect public health and the safety of all the people involved in the organizing process of such a popular technical conference.

We prioritize safety and health more than anything else but we are also investing all of our energy to set new dates and new ways to meet and enjoy a WordCamp in Greece.

We would like to grab this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to all our sponsors and speakers that had been one of the cornerstones for making WordCamp Athens so popular. We will be available to discuss the next steps regarding the next WordCamp in Greece.

The best is yet to come! We have set our hearts to bring the WordPress Greek Community together, so stay tuned for our next announcements.

Thank you for your support, patience, and understanding. We appreciate your willingness to adjust to the new terms of reality and conference organizing. As soon as conditions allow, we hope that soon we will have good news to share with you about WordCamp Athens 2021.

On behalf of the WordCamp Athens Organizing Team

Fotis Routsis

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WordCamp Floripa 2020 adiado

⚠️ Atenção comunidade WordPress de Santa Catarina ⚠️
O WordCamp Floripa 2020 será adiado até liberação da Prefeitura de Florianópolis para realizações de eventos.
Até lá, manteremos a venda de ingressos, recebimento das submissões de palestras e de patrocínios no site oficial:
✨ https://2020.floripa.wordcamp.org/ ✨
O evento irá acontecer mas, no momento, contamos com a colaboração e entendimento de todos sobre a situação. Cuidem de si e cuidem dos outros. Acompanhe #wcfloripa

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WordCamp Bucharest 2020: Cancelled

It is with a heavy heart that we have decided to CANCEL WordCamp Bucharest 2020 due to COVID-19 concerns and current restrictions.

We kept hoping that everything will come back to normal and we’ll be able to move the event to later in the year, but the current situation doesn’t allow for this to happen. We believe this to be the best decision at this time for the safety of our community.

Instead of moving the event online which did not seem to fit our 2020 WordCamp, we decided on refocusing our entire energy into creating a great 2021 edition. Keep an eye on https://2021.bucharest.wordcamp.org/ for updates.

If you have other concerns regarding the event, please contact us by email at [email protected]

Until further notice, stay safe and keep washing your hands ❤️!
Thank you so much for your support and understanding!

Sending our best regards,
Cezar & Rodica
WordCamp Bucharest organizing team


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WordCamp Tulsa 2020 – Cancelled

The WordCamp Tulsa 2020 Organizing team has decided to cancel an event for 2020. We are now shifting our sights to bringing our first WordCamp to Tulsa in the Spring of 2021.

We considered holding a virtual event but we felt that the true value of WordCamp is getting to rub elbows with our fellow WordPressers. We will continue to hold virtual Meetups for the time being and welcome you to join us.

We wish our community the best and we look forward to sharing our beautiful city with you next year.

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WordCamp Torino 2020: cancelled

Sadly, we have decided to definitely cancel WordCamp Torino 2020.
We were waiting until now for a decision from our government, but at last, we decided to cancel the WCTRN 2020 edition.
The situation in Italy is getting better, but still, we are not permitted to organize events in person without guaranteeing the social distance (almost 1 mt between people).
Therefore, we don’t want to take the risk to organize an event without being sure we can make all people safe. It was a hard decision to make but is for the health and safety of all.
But, we are already planning to organize WordCamp Torino 2021 live!

And we’re preparing a great event online ;)

So, stay tuned and see you soon around online!
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