• Mysql 8.x Group Replication (Master-Slave) with Docker Compose

      This post is handling the following situation - how to setup up simple Mysql services with group replication being dockerized. In our case, we’ll take the latest Mysql (version 8.x.x)

      FYI: all mentioned code (worked and tested manually) located here.

      I will skip not interested steps like ‘what is Mysql, Docker and why we choose them, etc’. We want to set up possibly trouble proof DB. That’s our plan.

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    • Web server for Machine Learning 'VKF-solver'

        Nowadays most people identify Machine Learning with training of various kinds of neural networks. At the beginning there were fully connected networks, then convolutional and recurrent networks replace them, now there exist a quite exotic variants of networks such that GAN and LTSM networks.

        Their training requires constantly increasing volume of samples, and they also do not be able to explain why a particular decision was made. Structural approaches to Machine Learning avoiding these drawbacks exist, the software implementation of one of which is described in the article. This is an English translation of original post by the author.

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