
Introducing Learn WordPress

Posted December 15, 2020 by Hugh Lashbrooke. Filed under Updates.

Learn WordPress is a learning resource providing workshops, quizzes, courses, lesson plans, and discussion groups so that anyone, from beginners to advanced users, can learn to do more with WordPress. Learning how to use, build for, and contribute to WordPress is essential for anyone wanting to dive deeper into the software and its community. 

This cross-team initiative is part of the WordPress.org network and features content from contributors from the global community. It will be updated weekly and will help connect new and existing WordPress users with the broader community while they learn.

What can you learn about WordPress?

On Learn WordPress you can find a range of material and opportunities to use at the time which works for you.

Workshops are practical, skills-based videos that show viewers how to do new things with WordPress, whether you publish, manage, develop with, or contribute to WordPress. Most workshops include quizzes for you to test your newly gained knowledge.

Discussion groups provide an opportunity for further collaborative learning with participants meeting together to discuss the workshop content – they take place online, either in video calls or Slack and accommodate all time zones.

Lesson plans are guides for facilitators to use while presenting at events or within educational environments. Facilitators will find learning objectives (telling people what they are going to learn), any prerequisite skills, assets such as screenshots and slide decks, and learning assessments. 

Courses are a series of interconnected lesson plans to be presented by a facilitator that will strategically focus on defined learning outcomes. Participants can go through these courses individually or as part of a group. After completing the learning, attendees should be able to apply their skills in the real world.

In addition to the wealth of valuable content available on Learn WordPress, the platform provides an opportunity for individuals to learn alongside other community members and become connected with a global network of WordPress users, developers, and contributors.

Why you should use Learn WordPress – videos from our community.

How can you get involved?

Learn WordPress is an open-source platform available for anyone to contribute content in any areas mentioned above. Find out more about how you can get involved with this initiative.

Take part in our fun promotion campaigns on social and with your local community.

Hundreds of people spanning a number of years have contributed to the development of learning materials. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make Learn WordPress a reality. 

Particular thanks to:

Training: @courane01, @azhiyadev, @geheren, @webtechpooja, @jessecowens, @onealtr, @rastaban, @evarlese, @manzwebdesigns
Meta: @coreymckrill, @dufresnesteven, @jonoaldersonwp
Community: @hlashbrooke, @camikaos, @harishanker, @angelasjin, @nao, @courtneypk, @andreamiddleton, @rmarks, @sippis
Marketing: @webcommsat@oglekler, @lmurillom, @yvettesonneveld, @meher, @nalininonstopnewsuk, @megphillips91, @marks99, @marybaum, @antialiasfactory, @herculespekkas, @chaion07
Design: @melchoyce 

For a fuller list of the contributors who have been involved in training and Learn WordPress, visit the initial beta launch post. Thanks to everyone who has been involved to date and will be in the future. 

#LearnWordPress #LearnWP

See Also:

Want to follow the code? There’s a development P2 blog and you can track active development in the Trac timeline that often has 20–30 updates per day.

Want to find an event near you? Check out the WordCamp schedule and find your local Meetup group!

For more WordPress news, check out the WordPress Planet.


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