
Trademark policy


March 2019

You may not violate others’ intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark.

A trademark is a word, logo, phrase, or device that distinguishes a trademark holder’s good or service in the marketplace. Trademark law may prevent others from using a trademark in an unauthorized or confusing manner.  

What is in violation of this policy?

Using another’s trademark in a way that may mislead or confuse people about your affiliation may be a violation of our trademark policy.

What is not a violation of this policy?

Referencing another’s trademark is not automatically a violation of Twitter's trademark policy. Examples of non-violations include:

  • using a trademark in a way that is outside the scope of the trademark registration e.g., in a different territory, or a different class of goods or services than that identified in the registration; and
  • using a trademark in a nominative or other fair use manner. For more information, see our parody, newsfeed, commentary, and fan account policy.

Who can report violations of this policy?

Twitter only investigates requests that are submitted by the trademark holder or their authorized representative e.g., a legal representative or other representative for a brand. 

How can I report violations of this policy?

You can submit a trademark report through our trademark report form. Please provide all the information requested in the form. If you submit an incomplete report, we’ll need to follow up about the missing information. Please note that this will result in a delay in processing your report.

Note: We may provide the account holder with your name and other information included in the copy of the report.

What happens if you violate this policy?

If we determine that you violated our trademark policy, we may suspend your account. Depending on the type of violation, we may give you an opportunity to comply with our policies. In other instances, an account may be permanently suspended upon first review. If you believe that your account was suspended in error, you can submit an appeal.

What is our policy about trademark issues within ads?

Read more about Twitter Ads and our Trademark Policy for Promoted Ads.

Additional resources

Learn more about our range of enforcement options and our approach to policy development and enforcement.

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