Twitter for Good

Our vision is to bring our company and community together as a force for good.

Our mission

We use the positive power of Twitter to strengthen our communities through employee engagement, platform activation, and corporate giving.

Areas of focus

Internet safety and education

We want to help educate individuals about healthy digital citizenship and online safety. We support organizations that tackle online safety issues such as bullying, abuse, and hate speech.

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Free expression and civil liberties

We support initiatives that defend and respect all voices by promoting free expression and defending civil liberties.

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We support equality and universal acceptance for all people, and recognize that while talent is found everywhere in the world, opportunity is not. We work with organizations dedicated to promoting equal opportunity, particularly in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM).

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Environmental conservation and sustainability

We work with nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) around the globe to harness the power of Twitter to raise awareness and encourage action to protect environmental conservation and sustainability.

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Crisis and emergency response

When emergencies and natural disasters strike, we offer tools and programs that help people around the world with communication and humanitarian response.

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Key initiatives: 
  • Platform activation
  • Employee engagement
  • Corporate giving



The NeighborNest is a community space dedicated to creating new opportunities through technology for San Francisco’s most underserved. We do this by partnering with nonprofit organizations, Twitter employees, and community residents.

Our programs focus on advancing internet safety and education, equality and workforce development, and capacity building for NGOs. From career mentorship and STEAM education to Twitter training and hosted event space, we work to empower the community while cultivating empathy and equity.

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Community partners (SF)

We're proud to collaborate with dozens of field experts in the Bay Area. See our full list of partner organizations.

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Our company embraces this mission by focusing our support where we can make the greatest impact.

Read our Twitter for Good Impact report from previous years: 2017.

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Read the latest report on our global Twitter For Good work and impact.


Additional Resources

Learn how Twitter can be used in the classroom and get UNESCO's guidance on the best practices for media and information literacy.


Learn how Twitter can be used to amplify your campaign, whether you're an NGO, in politics, or public service.


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