Roushie Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

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Roushie Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика
Extent o the Roushie SFSR athin the Soviet Union follaein Warld War II (1954).
Extent o the Roushie SFSR athin the Soviet Union
follaein Warld War II (1954).
CaipitalPetrograd (1917–1918)
Moscow (Mairch 1918 – 1991)[1]
Common leidsRoushieb
GovrenmentFederal Soviet republic
Heid o state 
• 1917 (first)
Lev Kamenevc
• 1990-1991 (last)
Boris Yeltsind
Heid o govrenment 
• 1917-1924 (first)
Vladimir Lenine
• 1990-1991
Ivan Silayevf
• 1991 (last)
Boris Yeltsing
LegislaturVTsIK / Aw-Roushie Congress (1917–38)
Supreme Soviet (RSFSR) (1938–90)
Supreme Soviet (RSFSR) / Congress
o Fowk Deputies
Historical era20t century
• Bolshevik revolution
7 November 1917
• Established
9 November 1917
25 Dizember 1991
ISO 3166 codeRU
Precedit bi
Succeedit bi
Roushie Republic
  1. Remeened the naitional anthem o Roushie till 2000.
  2. Offeecial leid in the courts frae 1937.[3]
  3. As Chairman o the VTsIK (Aw-Roushie Central Executive Committee).
  4. As Chairman o the Presidium o the Supreme Soviet o the RSFSR, frae 29 Mey 1990 tae 10 Julue 1991, then as Preses o Roushie.
  5. As Chairman o the Cooncil o Fowk's Commissars o the Roushie SFSR
  6. As Chairmen o the Cooncil o Meenisters — Govrenment o the Roushie SFSR
  7. Served as actin head of government while Preses o Roushie
Hero o the USSR Seiven Hero Ceety awairds
The Roushie Democratic Federative Republic exeestit breifly on January 19, 1918, but actual sovereignty wis still in the haunds o the Soviets even efter the Roushie Constituent Assembly opened its first an last session.[4]

The Roushie Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (Roushie: Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика[5]), commonly referred tae as Soviet Roushie, the Roushie Federation, or semply Roushie,[2][6] wis the lairgest, maist populous an economically developit republic in the umwhile Soviet Union.[7] The Republic comprised saxteen autonomous republics, five autonomous oblasts, ten autonomous okrugs, sax krais an fowerty oblasts.[7] Roushies formit the lairgest ethnic group.

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. Lenine's migration a queer scene, Arthur Ransome for the The New York Times, March 16, 1918. (subscription needit)
  2. a b Закон РСФСР от 25 декабря 1991 года № 2094-I «Об изменении названия государства „Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика“» // Ведомости Съезда народных депутатов РСФСР и Верховного Совета РСФСР. — 1992. — № 2. — ст. 62. (in Roushie)
  3. article 114 of the 1937 Constitution, article 171 of the 1978 Constitution
  4. Riasanovsky, Nicholas (2000). A History of Russia (sixth edition). Oxford University Press. p. 458. ISBN 0-19-512179-1.
  5. Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика[deid airtin]
  6. Declaration of Rights of the laboring and exploited people (original VTsIK variant, III Congress revision), article I
  7. a b The Free Dictionary Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic. Retrieved on 22 June 2011.