Widget Disable


This simple plugin allows you to disable any sidebar and dashboard widget for the current WordPress site you are on. It provides a simple user interface available to users with edit_theme_options capabilities (usually Administrator role) available under Appearance -> Disable Widgets.
After saving the settings, the sidebar and dashboard widgets are removed from and the user can’t see those widgets anymore.

Developer? Get to know the hooks

Have a look at the filters we provide:

  • wp_widget_disable_default_sidebar_widgets – Allows you to exclude certain sidebar widgets from being disabled.
  • wp_widget_disable_default_dashboard_widgets – Allows you to exclude certain dashboard widgets from being disabled.


If you would like to contribute to this plugin, report an issue or anything like that, please note that we develop this plugin on GitHub.

Developed by required


  • Disable the sidebar widgets you don’t need.
  • Even disable unused dashboard widgets.
  • The simplified widgets overview.
  • The stripped-down dashboard.


Manual Installation

  1. Upload the entire /wp-widget-disable directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate WP Widget Disable through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Appearance -> Disable Widgets to manage sidebar and dashboard widgets.


None so far. But you can ask us any time on twitter!


February 22, 2020
I only use 4 widgets and change them around all the time. Both my admin and widget areas are now clean and fast. Wonderful little bloat removal tool. Thanks!
October 7, 2018
I tried several other plugins to disable the junk on my client's dashboard. For some reason, none of them worked, and older methods from Codex and even recent articles still didn't work. This plugin, however, DID. I actually came all the way here just to give this a five-star. Well done.
September 13, 2018
Gostei muito deste recurso é prático e simples para desabilitar o widget que quiser...
January 3, 2018
I've been getting annoyance on the growing amount of default widgets (I'm looking at you JetPack) but didn't realize there was an easy way to get rid of them till someone linked this in one of the WP FB groups. Removed 27 of them. Dang, I think that's pretty invasive! Thanks for making this possible.
Read all 15 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Widget Disable” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Widget Disable” has been translated into 8 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Widget Disable” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


2.0.0 – 2020-02-02

  • New: Allows removal of the “Browse Happy” and “PHP Update Required” widgets in the dashboard to suppress remote API requests.

[1.9.1] – 2019-03-11

  • Enhancement: Cleanup and compatibility with WordPress 5.1.

[1.9.0] – 2018-07-26

  • Enhancement: Added Multisite support.
  • Enhancement: Allows hiding the Try Gutenberg callout in WordPress 4.9.8.

For older versions see CHANGELOG.md.