Support » Plugin: Author Avatars List/Block » Bug: Block reverting to all users on page edit

  • I went through and added a block for each of 8 users I want to display. When I edit the page, each block reverts to showing all users and I have to re-edit the settings for all 8 blocks. Is something not being read correctly on page edit?

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  • Plugin Author Paul Bearne


    Yes that is not right
    Can you send a screenshot of the settings?
    Is this 8 separate blocks or a block with 8 users?

    This is 8 separate blocks of 1 user each. There is no commonality between the users that would let me put all 8 in one block.

    Screenshot at this link

    This keeps resetting to this value (and it’s not even showing the ID entry field) instead of saving the user I’ve selected from the list.

    This happens for all 8 blocks.

    Plugin Author Paul Bearne


    I just did a test with 2 blocks on the same page and it worked

    Would like to understand what is wrong


    Plugin Author Paul Bearne


    Ok I see the problem lets fix that

    Plugin Author Paul Bearne


    If you just need 8 avatars in one block you can use the white list in the adv section

    Plugin Author Paul Bearne


    Pushed new version found the bug

    Thank you for reporting it


    I’ll play around with the whitelist and eagerly await your fix as well 🙂

    I updated the plugin then went back to edit the page. That doesn’t seem to have solved the issue.

    Looking at the code view when I edit it:

    <!-- wp:author-avatars/show-avatar {"alignment":"center","display":{"show_name":true,"show_biography":true},"user_id":"21"} /-->

    After save and thehen I go back to edit, what is showing is instead:

    <!-- wp:author-avatars/show-avatar {"email":"21","alignment":"center","display":{"show_name":true,"show_biography":true}} /-->

    Looks like there’s some confusion around user_id vs email values.

    Further, I don’t see a whitelist option in the advanced section of the block configuration. The only options are bio_length and Additional CSS Classes.

    @pbearne any other ideas?

    Plugin Author Paul Bearne


    that is strange

    the advance section only loads for Select by Role(s) and if Bio selected

    I just did some testing and all these worked

    <!– wp:author-avatars/show-avatar {“email”:”[email protected]”,”user_id”:”-1″} /–>

    <!– wp:author-avatars/show-avatar {“user_id”:”1″} /–>

    <!– wp:author-avatars/show-avatar {“email”:”1″,”display”:{“show_name”:true,”show_email”:true},”user_id”:”-1″} /–>

    <!– wp:author-avatars/show-avatar {“alignment”:”center”,”display”:{“show_biography”:true,”show_name”:true},”user_id”:”1″} /–>

    <!– wp:author-avatars/show-avatar {“alignment”:”center”} /–>

    Can you try on a new page?

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