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Electronic Frontier Foundation
The leading nonprofit defending
digital privacy, free speech,
and innovation for 30 years and counting!

The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation for 30 years and counting!

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A striped cat opines using a megaphone.

Publisher or Platform? It Doesn't Matter.

“You have to choose: are you a platform or a publisher?”It’s the question that makes us pull out our hair and roll our eyes. It’s the question that makes us want to shout from the rooftops “IT DOESN’T MATTER. YOU DON’T HAVE TO CHOOSE”We’ll say it plainly here: there is...

Section 230 is Good, Actually

Even though it’s only 26 words long, Section 230 doesn’t say what many think it does. So we’ve decided to take up a few kilobytes of the Internet to explain what, exactly, people are getting wrong about the primary law that defends the Internet.Section 230 (47 U.S.C. § 230) is...

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