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Image for Stop broadcasting giants’ online media takeover!

Stop broadcasting giants’ online media takeover!

Canada’s biggest media conglomerates are making a power grab to force the Internet into the restrictive model of broadcast television — and with Bill C-10, our government is backing them up.
Image for Fix Bill C-11

Fix Bill C-11

Tell the government to make this privacy bill work by closing these loopholes now.
Image for Stop history’s most dangerous FCC appointment!

Stop history’s most dangerous FCC appointment!

Trump’s final FCC nominee Nathan Simington is the biggest threat to the Internet we’ve seen in years. Email your Senator asking them to #BlockSimington

Advocates welcome major overhaul to Canada’s privacy law

Bill C-11 provides much-needed protections for individuals’ data privacy
Image for Community WIN: the Universal Broadband Fund is (finally) here!

Community WIN: the Universal Broadband Fund is (finally) here!

We spoke up in numbers too big for Canada’s government to ignore.

Government’s Universal Broadband Fund finally announced

Rapid response funding welcome, but details of who will be connected when still unclear
Image for Stop Bill C-10: Guilbeault’s media giant power grab

Stop Bill C-10: Guilbeault’s media giant power grab

With a wink to his broadcasting-giant friends, Minister of Canadian Heritage Steven Guilbeault just tabled Bill C-10, a proposal to try and force 20th century broadcast regulations and taxes onto Internet streaming services.

New Broadcast Act aims to regulate the Internet to support legacy media

New powers to the CRTC will make the Internet more like cable TV, without addressing underlying problems with existing CanCon system
Image for Fix Privacy in Canada

Fix Privacy in Canada

Sign the petition calling for the Canadian government to give the Privacy Commissioner of Canada the power to enforce Canada’s privacy laws!

What’s wrong with the Link Tax? (an FAQ)

Common questions and answers on the Link Tax – from OpenMedia’s community

OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet.

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