Calm Science

Calm is committed to developing evidence-based sleep and mindfulness resources, informed by rigorous scientific research.

The Calm Science Team

Our team works closely with a group of distinguished academic researchers and clinicians who guide and review our efforts, to ensure our offerings are scientifically sound and effective.

Meet the Director of Calm Science

jennifer huberty headshot
Jennifer Huberty, PhD

Dr. Huberty is an Associate Professor at Arizona State University in the College of Health Solutions. Her research focuses on the development of novel interventions that utilize complementary approaches (e.g., physical activity, yoga, meditation) to improve mental and physical health, and leveraging partnerships with industry, non-profits, and foundations to deliver these interventions to at-risk populations nationwide.

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Scientific Advisory Board

The purpose of Calm’s SAB is to inform content and product development by conducting research, reviewing the scientific literature, and building partnerships with other healthcare providers and researchers.

The Scientific Advisory Board is directed by Jennifer Huberty, PhD and consists of the following members:

ana maria vranceanu headshot
Ana-Maria Vranceanu, PhD

Dr. Vranceanu is a clinical health psychologist and Director of the Integrated Brain Health Clinical and Research Program within the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. She is also an Associate Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School.

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linda larkey headshot
Linda Larkey, PhD

Dr. Linda Larkey is full professor at the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation at Arizona State University and Professor of Medicine/Adjunct Faculty at the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center.

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michael irwin headshot
Michael Irwin, MD

Dr. Michael R. Irwin is Cousins Distinguished Professor and Vice-Chair of Research of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences in the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Distinguished Professor of Psychology in the UCLA College of Letters and Sciences, and the Director Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience.

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Monica Baskin headshot
Monica Baskin, PhD

Monica L. Baskin, PhD, Professor of Preventive Medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine and Associate Director for Community Outreach and Engagement at the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Baskin is a psychologist and behavioral scientist with research addressing minority health disparities. Her research utilizes community-engaged methods to better understand individual, family, and environmental factors associated with cancer prevention and control, and other chronic conditions.

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Postdoctoral Scholar

jeni green headshot
Jeni Green, PhD

Dr. Jeni Green is a postdoctoral scholar, under the direction of Dr. Jennifer Huberty, in the College of Health Solutions at Arizona State University (ASU). In 2019 she received a PhD in Exercise and Nutritional Sciences from ASU while working as a research assistant in Dr. Huberty’s Mindful Health Lab.

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Research Coordinator

megan puzia headshot
Megan Puzia, MS

Megan Puzia is a research coordinator for Calm. She received her Masters in Clinical Psychology from the University of Utah, where she researched quantitative methods and emotional regulation in vulnerable populations.

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Taylor Neher headshot
Taylor Neher

Taylor Neher has over five years of experience working as a research coordinator. Her primary research interests include mental health in vulnerable populations (e.g., incarceration, younger adults, and individuals with type 1 diabetes). Taylor is currently working on her Doctorate of Public Health at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.

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Calm Research Publications

Usage patterns of the Calm meditation app among people with cardiovascular disease

Luberto, C.M., Huberty, J., Puzia, M.E., & Vranceanu, A.M. (2021)


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Testing a mindfulness meditation mobile app for the treatment of sleep-related symptoms in adults with sleep disturbance: A randomized controlled trial

Huberty, J, Green, J., Puzia, M.E., Larkey, L., Laird, B., Vranceanu, A.M., Vlisides-Henry, R.D., & Irwin, M.R. (2021)


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Mental health and meditation practices of pregnant women during COVID-19

Huberty, J., Puzia, M.E., Green, J., & Stecher, C. (2021)

Obstetrics and Gynecology Research, 4, 001-006.

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Use of the consumer-based meditation app Calm for sleep disturbances: Cross-sectional survey study

Huberty, J., Puzia, M.E., Larkey, L., Irwin, M.R., & Vranceanu, A.M. (2020)

JMIR Formative Research

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Parents’ perceptions of their children’s engagement in a consumer-based meditation mobile app: Cross-sectional survey study

Puzia, M.E., Laird, B., Green, J., Huberty, J. (2020)

Journal of Internet Medical Research - Pediatrics and Parenting

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Use of the consumer-based meditation app Calm for sleep disturbances: A cross-sectional survey

Huberty, J. Puzia, M.E., Larkey, L., Irwin, M.R., Vranceanu, A.M. (2020)

Journal of Medical Internet Research - mHealth uHealth

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Associations between global mental health and response to an app-based meditation intervention in myeloproliferative neoplasm patients

Puzia, M.E., Huberty, J., Eckert, R., Larkey, L., Mesa, R. (2020)

Integrative Cancer Therapies

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Characteristics and usage patterns among 12,151 paid subscribers of the Calm meditation app: Cross-sectional survey

Huberty, J., Vranceanu, A.M., Carney, C., Breus, M., Gordon, M., Puzia, M.E. (2019)

Journal of Medical Internet Research - mHealth uHealth

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Cancer patients’ and survivors’ perceptions of the Calm app: cross-sectional descriptive survey

Huberty, J., Puzia, M.E., Eckert, R., Larkey, L. (2019)

Journal of Medical Internet Research - Cancer

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Experiences of using a consumer-based mobile meditation app to improve fatigue in myeloproliferative patients: Qualitative study

Huberty, J., Eckert, R., Larkey, L. Joeman, L., Mesa, R. (2019)

Journal of Medical Internet Research - Cancer

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Smartphone-based meditation for myeloproliferative neoplasm patients: A feasibility study to inform future trials

Huberty, J., Eckert, R., Larkey, L., Kurka, J., Rodriguez, S., Yoo, W., Mesa, R. (2019)

Journal of Medical Internet Research - Formative Research

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Testing the efficacy of a mindfulness meditation mobile app, Calm, to reduce stress among college students: A randomized controlled trial

Huberty, J., Green, J., Glissman, C., Larkey, L., Puzia, M.E., Lee, C. (2019)

Journal of Medical Internet Research - mHealth uHealth

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Ongoing Research Studies Using Calm

Currently recruiting

Effects of Calm on sleep disturbance in cancer patients

Currently enrolling cancer patients who have difficulty sleeping

Check your eligibility

Study now closed, data analysis ongoing

Calm Pregnancy: Feasibility of a smart-phone meditation application for mindfulness-based prenatal stress reduction

Enrollment completed, ongoing data collection

Effects of novel COVID-19 on Calm users' mental health and well-being

Enrollment completed, ongoing data collection

Mindfulness Takes Practice: mHealth Tools for Building Persistent Mindfulness Meditation Habits

Enrollment completed, ongoing data collection

Testing the feasibility and preliminary effects of a six-week online program, “Calm Sleep Coaching,” in adults with sleep disturbance

Enrollment completed, ongoing data collection

Feasibility and preliminary effects of a mobile app on sleep disturbance

Enrollment and data collection completed, ongoing data analysis

Sample of findings

When using Calm, participants report a boost in overall well-being*

84% Saw improvements in mental health

81% Reported less stress

73% Expressed higher sleep quality

*Based on a study using survey data from general Calm subscribers who used the app more than five times per week

Research Partnerships with Calm

Calm’s mission is to make the world happier and healthier. Are you currently working on a research study or project that aligns with Calm’s research priorities? If so, we may be interested in partnering with you.

Right now, our research priorities include:

Evaluate the impact of using Calm on mental and physical health outcomes in a variety of populations. We have a particular interest in children’s and/or health disparities research

  • Testing the feasibility of Calm
  • Testing efficacy of Calm
  • Exploring the optimal dose of Calm to improve mental and physical health outcomes
  • Exploring mechanisms through which Calm improves mental and physical health

Evaluate the impact of using Calm within the healthcare system (e.g., healthcare providers, patients)

Evaluate process and outcomes measures in workplaces using Calm

  • Process measures could include feasibility, dissemination, adherence, etc.
  • Outcome measures could include absenteeism, life satisfaction, work engagement, workplace distress, etc.

Identify and evaluate the impact of integrating evidence-based behavioral strategies within the Calm app on user adherence

Conducting trials that include comprehensive multi-modal measurements beyond self-report (e.g., neurophysiological, biomarkers)


Apply to do research with Calm. If we are interested in your idea, you could receive free or reduced rate memberships and access to de-identified objective user data for consenting participants.

Submit Your Application

Scientific Advisory Board reviews applications monthly. Please submit your application by the 2nd Wednesday of the month and the SAB will be in touch.