• Setting up network sales channels for DO-RA gadgets



      In early March 2019, Intersoft Eurasia team completed work on a test batch of DO-RA gadgets — personal, cross-platform dosimeters-radiometers to monitor the radiation situation at the measurement site, compatible with iOS and Android smartphones and tablets.

      By buying such a device, the user receives the following: reliable electronics which have undergone radiation testing in the factory laboratory, stylish colored case in the spirit of Malevich ;) for every taste, gift packaging, color insert instructions in Russian and English, special USB charging cable, a free updateable DO-RA.Pro application from the App Store and Google Play.

      The next step in our project implementation is to find the best sales channels for Made in Russia products in the challenging environment of stagnant purchasing power.
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    • In-App Updates Flexible Flow: Speed Up the App Update Process on Android

        With a variety of new tools and features announced at Android Dev Summit, special attention should be given to the In-App Updates (IAUs) API allowing developers to increase the speed of delivering features, bug-fixes and performance improvements to active users. Since this feature was finally released after Google I/O 2019, in this article I’ll deep dive on IAUs API, describe in details recommended user flows and provide with some code samples. Moreover, I'll share some experience of IAUs integration in the Pandao app, a marketplace platform for Chinese goods.
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      • Breaking UC Browser


          At the end of March we reported on the hidden potential to download and run unverified code in UC Browser. Today we will examine in detail how it happens and how hackers can use it.

          Some time ago, UC Browser was promoted and distributed quite aggressively. It was installed on devices by malware, distributed via websites under the guise of video files (i.e., users thought they were downloading pornography or something, but instead were getting APK files with this browser), advertised using worrisome banners about a user’s browser being outdated or vulnerable. The official UC Browser VK group had a topic where users could complain about false advertising and many users provided examples. In 2016, there was even a commercial in Russian (yes, a commercial of a browser that blocks commercials).

          As we write this article, UC Browser was installed 500,000,000 times from Google Play. This is impressive since only Google Chrome managed to top that. Among the reviews, you can see a lot of user complaints about advertising and being redirected to other applications on Google Play. This was the reason for our study: we wanted to see if UC Browser is doing something wrong. And it is! The application is able to download and run executable code, which violates Google Play’s policy for app publishing . And UC Browser doesn’t only download executable code; it does this unsafely, which can be used for a MitM attack. Let's see if we can use it this way.
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        • Visual Studio C++ Template IntelliSense Populates Based on Instantiations in Your Code

            Ever since we announced Template IntelliSense, you all have given us great suggestions. One very popular suggestion was to have the Template Bar auto-populate candidates based on instantiations in your code. In Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1 Preview 2, we’ve added this functionality via an “Add All Existing Instantiations” option in the Template Bar dropdown menu. The following examples are from the SuperTux codebase. 

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          • Improvements to Visual Studio App Center Distribution

              Here at Visual Studio App Center, we try to incorporate customer obsession in our day to day. Earlier this year we started an effort for widespread customer outreach to understand our users and guide product prioritization. The effort helped us gain a lot of insight and helped our prioritization last quarter. However, as we continue to grow, we unfortunately don’t have the capacity to reach out to as many customers as we would like.

              To continue to engage with as many customers are possible, we created a GitHub repo specifically for this purpose. We’ve been using the repo to track monthly iterations from the team, feature requests, and community interest for certain features. We are making changes to align our priorities for the upcoming quarters based on what our customers are requesting.

              I wanted to highlight some of the changes we’ve made to the Distribution service based off what we learned from customer outreach and feedback. All of these changes are available now:

              • Distributing releases to multiple destinations
              • Distribution releases to individual testers
              • Turning off email notification for releases
              • Disabling a release
              • Make releases sortable

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            • Ads
              AdBlock has stolen the banner, but banners are not teeth — they will be back

            • How We Find Lambda Expressions in IntelliJ IDEA

              • Translation

              Type Hierarchy in IntelliJ IDEACode search and navigation are important features of any IDE. In Java, one of the commonly used search options is searching for all implementations of an interface. This feature is often called Type Hierarchy, and it looks just like the image on the right.

              It's inefficient to iterate over all project classes when this feature is invoked. One option is to save the complete class hierarchy in the index during compilation since the compiler builds it anyway. We do this when the compilation is run by the IDE and not delegated, for example, to Gradle. But this works only if nothing has been changed in the module after the compilation. In general, the source code is the most up-to-date information provider, and indexes are based on the source code.

              Finding immediate children is a simple task if we are not dealing with a functional interface. When searching for implementations of the Foo interface, we need to find all the classes that have implements Foo and interfaces that have extends Foo, as well as new Foo(...) {...} anonymous classes. To do this, it is enough to build a syntax tree of each project file in advance, find the corresponding constructs, and add them to an index.

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            • How Many Developers Need to Create Service Like Airbnb

                Back in 2007, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia shared a room in San Francisco and were unable to pay rent on time. As a way out, they decided to turn their living space into a simple bed-and-breakfast hotel to get some money from travelers. If you love traveling i can advice you Travel news site. A year later, the venturers launched a website which evolved into the most famous peer-to-peer renting technology service called Airbnb.

                 Now, the company has 3,100 employees and generates insane revenues for its founders. The statistics say that Airbnb has 150 million registered users, 3 million hosts, and 4 million listed offers. The service covers 80,000 cities in 190 countries, and, interestingly, 50% of traffic comes from mobile applications.

                  These figures are so impressive that you may also want to create your own Airbnb clone and become successful. But slow down. This story is already written; do you really need to create a marketplace similar to Airbnb?
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              • Citymobil — a manual for improving availability amid business growth for startups. Part 5

                  This is the final part of the series describing how we’re increasing our service availability in Citymobil (you can read the previous part here). Now I’m going to talk about one more type of outages and the conclusions we made about them, how we modified the development process, what automation we introduced.
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                • Introducing GitHub Package Registry

                    Today, we’re excited to introduce GitHub Package Registry, a package management service that makes it easy to publish public or private packages next to your source code.

                    GitHub Package Registry is fully integrated with GitHub, so you can use the same search, browsing, and management tools to find and publish packages as you do for your repositories. You can also use the same user and team permissions to manage code and packages together. GitHub Package Registry provides fast, reliable downloads backed by GitHub’s global CDN. And it supports familiar package management tools: JavaScript (npm), Java (Maven), Ruby (RubyGems), .NET (NuGet), and Docker images, with more to come.

                    You can try GitHub Package Registry today in limited beta. It will always be free to use for open source—more pricing details will be announced soon.

                    Sign up for the beta

                    Announcing GitHub Package Registry

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                  • How to build a brand?

                      Let's see what we mean when we talk about a brand. A brand is, first of all, associations that people immediately have when they hear the name of your company, mobile application, website, etc.

                      Brand building is a long process. Be prepared that it will take not one, not two, or even 6 months — you must be ready to work on it all the time.
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                    • Reverse engineering a high-end soldering station

                        (This is the translation of the original article performed by baragol)

                        We had a bunch of photographs of the main PCB, a YouTube video with drain-voltage waveforms of MOSFETs, a forum post with a breakdown of the capacitance values of LC circuit capacitors and also a number of unboxing videos showing the heating-up of the soldering tip. The only thing that really worried me was the video with the measurement of the peak power consumption during the heating-up. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than burned cartridge newly bought for 60 bucks from Amazon. But let me start from the beginning.
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                        • +22
                        • 11.1k
                        • 1
                      • Automatically obtaining SSL certificates by Let's Encrypt using DNS-01 challenge and AWS

                        This post describes the steps needed for setting up automatic SSL certificates creation and renewal, using Let's Encrypt as the automated Certificate Authority, which provides a well-maintained API.
                        acme-dns-route53 is the tool to obtain SSL certificates from Let’s Encrypt using DNS-01 challenge with Route53 and Amazon Certificate Manager by AWS. acme-dns-route53 also has the built-in functionality for using this tool inside AWS Lambda, and this is what we are going to do.

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                      • The Role Of Augmented Reality And Virtual Reality In The NBA


                          App builders that are looking to achieve a greater level of success will often look to areas that have yet to be explored. Augmented reality and virtual reality are opening up whole new worlds to app builders. For example, there are a number of app builders who are already looking to the NBA in this regard.

                          The NBA has established a reputation for themselves as a progressive league from a technological standpoint. Teams are already participating in competitive gaming, as numerous franchises have created their own e-sports teams. Now, the league is partnering with app builders to find out more about how they can leverage augmented reality and virtual reality to their benefit.
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                        • Making games is [not] hard. Looking back at small mobile project on Unity3D

                            When you have an idea of a new game mechanic, or even flash of interesting concept — soon you'll be obsessed about it with an immense urge to start doing something already. Sometimes you write such ideas down somewhere and bring them a chance to ignite full development cycle later. But I've stumbled upon the opposite action. My current game became this giant monster eating finance and time, and grown much bigger than I ever thought. So, I've needed to put it back for a while. But I could not sit without game development, and in my free time I've started to work on my new project! Plus that one was quite different from the previous ones, because I've decided to target mobile. If you are interested in how this project was done, from a small idea to the final release, then let's dive into it!

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