Support » Plugin: Snitch » Makes database really huge and adds custom post types to Google

  • A NO GO:

    the plugin makes the database really (!) huge,
    and it adds own custom post types which appears at Google!

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  • Plugin Support Simon Kraft


    Hey csigncsign,

    sorry you had a bad experience with Snitch.
    The plugin should not store more than 200 entries at any given time. If Snitch exceeds this limit in your case, I’d love to further investigate the problem, I’m sure we can fix it.

    Regarding the custom post type appearing at Google: do you use a SEO plugin? The Snitch post type is not public by default, but some SEO plugins can drag in into the public, and we can’t do anything about that. Most SEO plugins allow you to disable this for any given custom post type.

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