Finnegans Wake

James Joyce

Justified text of Finnegans Wake

With line breaks placed exactly as in paper edition and glosses in footnotes. 'Text-justify-as-is' fully implemented in premium section, which is different beast altoogooder.


Rudimentary responsive 2018 version.

Thentimes the issue of Tham Frames boiled over.


Chapter 8 - Anna Livia Plurabelle

Tooltips and iframes are combined only in this chapter as of 2010, once in the dairy days of buy and buy.


[why premium?]

Finnegans Wake optimized for
iPhone, iPad, Android Phone & Tablets

Improved Desktop Experience

For Greeter Glossary of Code

Responsive Web Design, Mobile & Desktop Friendly

"Free leaves for ebribadies!" from yore 2010:

"A scribicide then and there is led off under old's code."