steipete's blog

Apple Silicon M1: A Developer's Perspective

The excitement around Apple’s new M1 chip is everywhere. I bought a MacBook Air 16GB M1 to see how viable it is as main development machine - here’s an early report after a week of testing. Xcode ...

Gardening Your Twitter: Curating Your Timeline

Your timeline defines your Twitter experience. Learn strategies how to pick your followers, how to hide what’s not interesting and how to mute negative people and keep Twitter fun for you. This is ...

Gardening Your Twitter: Growing Your Followers

I’ve been using Twitter for almost 12 years now. It can be challenging to navigate your timeline, so today I’m sharing some tips to keep it fun. This is the first part of my Twitter series about G...

Forbidden Controls in Catalyst: Optimize Interface for Mac

While working on our PDF Viewer update for Big Sur and switching to the new Catalyst Mac Interface Idiom, I was greeted with a new exception coming directly from UIKit: [General] UIStepper is no...

Disabling Keyboard Avoidance in SwiftUI's UIHostingController

While SwiftUI is still being cooked hot, it’s already really useful and can replace many parts of your app. And with UIHostingController, it can easily be mixed with existing UIKit code. With iOS...

The State of SwiftUI

Apple released SwiftUI last year, and it’s been an exciting and wild ride. With iOS 14, a lot of the rough edges have been smoothed out — is SwiftUI finally ready for production? Fruta Sample Ap...

Logging in Swift

With iOS 14, Apple improved the built-in logging framework and added many missing pieces. Is OSLog now something that can finally be used? Does OSLogStore Work Yet? No.* *Surprisingly, Apple re...

Building with Swift Trunk Development Snapshots

I recently started the adventure of building PSPDFKit with the Swift trunk development snapshot. I did this both in order to verify a fix for the SR-12933 LLDB debugging issue and to be better prep...

Calling Super at Runtime in Swift

While working on InterposeKit, I had a rather specific need: Create an implementation that simply calls super, but at runtime instead of at compile time. Doesn’t sound so hard, does it? Well, here ...

zld — A Faster Version of Apple's Linker

zld is a drop-in replacement of Apple’s linker that uses optimized data structures and parallelizing to speed things up. It comes with a great promise: “Feel free to file an issue if you find i...