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LibreOffice est une suite bureautique puissante ; son interface claire et ses outils avancés libèrent votre créativité et accroissent votre productivité.
LibreOffice intègre plusieurs applications qui en font la suite bureautique Libre
 & Open Source la plus évoluée du marché.

Une suite bureautique libre

LibreOffice 7 se distingue dans le paysage des suites bureautiques

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Un projet passionnant

LibreOffice est l'un des projets les plus sympathiques et les plus dynamiques dans le monde du logiciel libre et open source.

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Des gens fantastiques

LibreOffice est plus qu'un logiciel. Il s'agit de gens, de culture, de création, de partage et de collaboration

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LibreOffice est un logiciel Libre et Open Source. Le développement est ouvert à de nouveaux talents et de nouvelles idées, et notre logiciel est testé et utilisé quotidiennement par une communauté d'utilisateurs importante et dévouée.

Community Member Monday: Yusuf Keten

Today we’re talking to Yusuf Keten, who added new features to LibreOffice as part of the Google Summer of Code… To start, tell us a bit about yourself! I was born on February 25, 1998 in Istanbul, Turkey. Currently I’m a third-year Computer Engineering student at Hacettepe University in Turkey. I really like coding. Nowadays, […]

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What to do with a document “created by a newer version of OpenOffice”

Are you using Apache OpenOffice? Have you recently tried to open a .odt, .ods or .odp file and received this error message? “This document was created by a newer version of OpenOffice. It may contain features not supported by your current version.” In this case, the document probably wasn’t created in OpenOffice, but in LibreOffice, […]

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Better handling of cached field results in Writer

Writer now has much better support for preserving the cached result of fields in documents. This is especially beneficial for Word formats where the input document may have a field result which is not only a cache, but re-calculating the formula would yield a different result, even in Word.


A Collabora Office customer gave us a DOCX document, which is essentially a calendar for planned IT maintenance windows at some organization. These calendars are tables with fields […]

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2020-11-26 Thursday

Mail chew, sync with Thais, COOL community meeting. Called out to help an older man with Altzheimers who had fallen and broken his hip with J. poor chap - not all interruptions to the flow are bad. Plugged away at a proposal; call with Bob about Christmas, exchanged contracts on house.

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