
17 Oct, 2003

Site news…

Posted by: Jennifer In: Announcements

Just a few "site news" bits. Although I posted Kevin's "anti-comment-spam" post – I still have yet to implement one of them on this site. Depending on Jay Allen's plugin setup – I am leaning towards that one. (Although the bayesian (sp?) filter method mentioned in the comments also looks really good… decisions decisions). In either case – as you can probably tell – this site gets hit quite frequently with comment spam. (kind of ironic – considering that post) so hopefully this weekend I'll have some time to install something and that will change.
Update: Jay Allen's MT-Blacklist plugin is now installed. If you notice anything funky – please email me and let me know. (Just an FYI – I did have to do a little modification to it to work with my "RSS Feed" display. If you need to know this – I'll post it. But I'm under the impression that it's not a widely used mod. Some good news – it works seamlessly with subscribe to comments – so if you have that running, install without fear. πŸ˜‰ As Robyn noted in the comments here, however, it does not work with the Comment-Queue hack. If this is something you really need – let me know – and I will try to get it working.

Also – I will probably be doing a "product review" of Apple's iTunes for windows ("Hell froze over" yesterday). I downloaded it the SECOND I heard about it. So far – I give it a "A-". Not perfect, but who is. πŸ˜‰ So far I am loving it. I think my only complaint will be that it might be "too easy" to buy an album – making things very dangerous for music-addicts like myself. Just to give you a quick summary – downloaded an album. copied the files to another computer. burned a cd. All with NO PROBLEMS!!!! Some minor UI complaints – but other than that a very good experience. Good job, Apple!

3 Responses to "Site news…"

1 | robyn

October 17th, 2003 at 2:15 pm


I installed Jay Allen's plugin but had to remove it. I'm also running the pending comments script you authored — and although I would get notified via e-mail that a comment had been posted, the comment would not show up in my comments pending list to be approved, nor would it show up in my mt.cgi recent comments list. Basically I would just get e-mailed the comment made, but there was no way to post it and it never got processed. Wanted to give you the heads-up in case I'm not the only one with the problem. In a nutshell, I couldn't get the comment spam plugin and the comment pre-approval script to work together.

2 | nels lindahl

October 20th, 2003 at 10:20 pm


i hope this is the last wave of blog spam

3 |

October 17th, 2003 at 9:32 am


iTunes 4 for Windows
I felt left out, then better, and finally wondered if it was worth it. Now iTunes for Windows is here….

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