Time Services

Current Local Time Worldwide

Look up the current time in every city in our ever-expanding database, which currently comprises more than 5,000 cities. It is also possible to query the current time for any location on Earth using the geographic coordinates for the location.

This service returns Time Zone info, Sunrise & Sunset times, Daylight Saving Time (DST), Longitude & Latitude, and more.

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Local Time Conversion Worldwide

Convert a local time in one location to the corresponding local time in another location, or from/to UTC.

Additional data returned by the service includes geographic information, detailed time zone data, and time zone changes for the selected year.

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Daylight Saving Time (DST) Dates Worldwide

Returns Daylight Saving Time (DST) switch dates and times, as well as other time zone changes for the selected year in one or more countries.

The data can be extended with a list of locations that are affected by each time zone.

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