Defending your rights online

European Digital Rights (EDRi) is the biggest European network defending rights and freedoms online. We promote, protect and uphold human rights and the rule of law in the digital environment, including the right to privacy, data protection, freedom of expression and information.

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We work hard to make change happen

Our team and network of digital rights activists and experts work tirelessly to protect your rights online

150,000 emails, 15,000 tweets and hundreds of phone calls Sent by supporters engaged by the campaign to act upload filters in the Copyright Directive.

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european policy

Our ground-breaking clauses Adopted by the European Commission upgrading data protection safeguards in trade agreements.

Building on GDPR success

The power of a civil society coalition Our network's diversity is our strength when it comes to proposing bold solutions to big problems, like the disproportionate power of online platforms.

Protecting digital rights in the DSA

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