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  • Arctic Code Vault Contributor




  1. Solidity, the Contract-Oriented Programming Language

    C++ 8.6k 2.4k

805 contributions in the last year

Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Mon Wed Fri

Contribution activity

November 2020

ekpyron has no activity yet for this period.

October 2020

Created a pull request in ethereum/solc-bin that received 8 comments

Let the nightlies call themselves 'nightly'.

Otherwise they'll call themselves develop builds.

+1 −0 8 comments
Opened 21 other pull requests in 1 repository
15 merged 5 closed 1 open
Reviewed 33 pull requests in 2 repositories
ethereum/solidity 28 pull requests
ethereum/solc-bin 5 pull requests

Created an issue in ethereum/solidity that received 4 comments

Consider dividing contract storage into regular and dedicated mapping part.

Motivation Inspired by the whole fuzz about #9746. A problem with the "oversized objects" warnings is that the choice of sizes at which to start wa…

Opened 1 other issue in 1 repository
1 open

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