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Europe’s Digital Decade: Empowered by Open Source

05 November 2020


November 5
14:00 - 18:30 CET

Join OpenForum Europe and Fraunhofer ISI on 5 November to learn about the first results of the European Commission Open Source study and listen to Open Source leaders explain their impact.

The study team is happy to be joined again by Frank Nagle of the Harvard Business School to introduce alongside his research.

This will be complemented by many Open Source leaders, putting the results of the study into context in a number of thematic panels on research, SMEs and growth, the public sector and industry.

In addition, the European Commission will present their views, including the new European Commission Open Source Strategy to participants.


14:00 - 14:05
Welcoming remarks

Sachiko Muto, OpenForum Europe

14:05 - 14:15
Keynote European Commission DG CNECT
14:15 - 14:30
Keynote European Commission DG DIGIT
14:30 - 15:30
Preliminary study results

Knut Blind, TU Berlin; Fraunhofer ISI
Frank Nagle, Harvard Business School
Mirko Boehm, Daimler
Andrew Katz, Moorcrofts
Paula Grzegorzewska, OpenForum Europe
Sivan Patsch, OpenForum Europe

15:30 - 15:40
15:40 - 16:25
Breakout sessions

Innovation and competitiveness
Rapporteur: Carlo Daffara, NodeWeaver

Open Source and the public sector
Rapporteur: To be announced

Digital autonomy
Rapporteur: Sachiko Muto, OpenForum Europe

16:25 - 16:35
16:35 - 17:00
Panel of the breakout session rapporteurs

– Chaired by Graham Taylor, OpenForum Europe

17:00 - 17:20
Panel: The state Open Source research

– Session leader: Maha Shaikh, King’s College London
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Thomas Streinz, NYU School of Law
Javier Serrano, CERN

17:20 - 17:40
Panel: How can Open Source enable SME and Startup growth

– Session leader: Danese Cooper, InnerSource Commons Foundation
Timo Väliharju, APELL, COSS.FI
Dirk Riehle, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Colin Hanna, Balderton Capital

17:40 - 18:00
Panel: How the public sector can use Open Source strategically

– Session leader: Clare Dillon,
Martina Paul, OSSBIG
Andreas Richel, Dataport
– To be announced

18:00 - 18:20
Panel: Industry transformation through Open Source

– Session leader: Keith Bergelt, Open Invention Network
Calista Redmond, RISC-V Foundation
Gael Blondelle, Eclipse Foundation
Erika Cadamuro, Daimler

18:20 - 18:30
Final words

Sachiko Muto, OpenForum Europe


Welcoming and final remarks

Preliminary study results

– How much does Open Source Software contribute to the European economy?
– What should European policymakers learn from successful and failed projects?
– What is the potential of Open Source Hardware and how can Europe gain a foothold?
– Where have governments around the world succeeded with Open Source policies?

Panel of breakout session rapporteurs

Panel: The state Open Source research

  • Maha Shaikh (session leader)

    Senior Lecturer of Digital Innovation King's College London
  • Sayeed Choudhury

    Associate Dean for Research Data Management; Hodson Director of the Digital Research and Curation Center Johns Hopkins University
  • Thomas Streinz

    Adjunct Professor of Law, Executive Director Guarini Global Law & Tech New York University School of Law
  • Javier Serrano

    Leader of the Hardware and Timing Section in the Beam Controls Group CERN

Panel: How can Open Source enable SME and Startup growth

Panel: How the public sector can use Open Source strategically

  • Clare Dillon (session leader)

    Director Mosslabs
  • Andreas Reichel

    Board Dataport
  • Martina Paul

    Board OSSBIG
  • To be announced

Panel: Industry transformation through Open Source


We’re looking forward to seeing you on 5 November!