About RSPP
Regional Presence
Dialogue with the Government
Disputes settlement bodies
Engagement with the Trade Unions
Work to Improve Investment Climate
The Eurasian Economic Union
International Cooperation

The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) was established in June 1990 as a non-political organization to protect the interests of industry at the time of fast and large-scale transformations in the state politics and economy. RSPP President is Alexander Nikolaevich Shokhin.

From the very first days of its life the RSPP priorities include: promotion of the business community interests in Russian and at the international level and consolidation of Russian industrialists and entrepreneurs` efforts for business environment development; enhancing the status of business in Russia and the world; maintaining the balance of interests of society, government and business.

RSPP represents the interests of all Russian businesses irrespective of size, sector or regional location of companies. The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs acts in two forms – as a non-governmental organization and all-Russian association of employers, the combination which allows advocate the interests of the RSPP members most effectively given different rights and capabilities of our organizations.

RSPP today brings together about 130 sectoral and regional associations of employers. Its members include such leading companies as: Russian Railways, TATNEFT, Severstal, RusHydro, EVRAZ, Norilsk Nickel Group, VTB Bank, Mechel, Ilim Group, Nizhnekamskneftekhim, NPO Saturn, SIBUR, RU-COM, Metalloinvest, Transmashholding, EUROCEMENT group, MegaFon, Aeroflot, FSUE Russian Post, Knauf Service, Alcoa Metallurg Rus, Lafarge Russia and many others.