Advanced Image Search on Pixabay

Learn how to refine your search results on Pixabay with advanced operators.

Pixabay News  •  May 5, 2014

On Pixabay, you can use symbols or words (operators) in your search to make your search results more precise.


Singular/Plural and lowercase/uppercase

Search query: "red roses"

Our search engine makes no difference between singular/plural and lowercase/uppercase. The following search terms return identical results: "RED ROSES", "red roses", "red rose"


Combine searches

Search query: "tulips | roses"

By default, any word must be a match. Put "|" between each search query in order to combine multiple terms (OR search).


Exclude words from your search

Search query: "red flower -rose"

Put "-" in front of any term you want to exclude from search results.


Search by image author

Search query: "user:stux flowers"

Use this syntax to search within a specific user's profile. This example returns all matches for "flowers" uploaded by stux.


Fuzzy search

Search query: "colorful~ flowers"

Add "~" to the end of each word to match differently spelled terms or spelling errors. For example, "colour/color" or "squirrel/squirel". 


Wildcard "*" for prefix matching

Search query: "cact*"

Use the wildcard character "*" for prefix matching of words. For example, the plural form of cactus (plural cacti) is not recognized automatically by our search engine. If you want to find all results for "cactus" and "cacti" in one go, you can use this query. The example will match anything that begins with "cact" ... "cacti", "cactus", "cactuses", etc.


Group search terms

Search query: "(flower | blossom) rose"

Use parentheses to group search terms and create more complex queries.


Combine operators

Any of the above shown search operators can be combined. In the example, "hans" is the username of an image author on Pixabay. Have fun experimenting :-)


Kurious   Oct. 14, 2015
You rock!! Thank you for this awesome explanation!!! I love using advanced search options!!! Yay!!!


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