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Education Partnerships

American Military University is proud to have established strong education partnerships with leading public safety organizations and agencies around the nation. The strength of our educational programs relies on these partnerships to ensure our courses deliver relevant and current information to prepare graduates for leadership positions within public safety agencies.

Establishing an education partnership with AMU provides many benefits for organizations and agencies. Partnering with AMU helps your agency facilitate talent and leadership development through rigorous and relevant coursework delivered by an accredited and well-respected university. Such a partnership also has the potential to save your employees time and money by allowing them to earn educational credit for completed agency training.

Some of the benefits for AMU partners include:

  • Cost-free access to webinar-based in-service training programs
  • Scholarships to other respected and accredited in-service training programs
  • Scholarship seed money to local law enforcement foundations to offset tuition costs for AMU law enforcement leadership education programs
  • No-cost provision of nationally recognized speakers and trainers at appropriate agency and organization events
  • Training materials to support local in-service training initiatives

To be considered for transfer credit benefits, AMU will conduct an evaluation of your agency’s existing training programs. To learn more about this and the additional benefits of an education partnership, please contact [email protected].

Transfer Credits

American Military University accepts transfer credit from a variety of public safety and government training programs, as well as various professional certifications, training academies, and POST-certified training. For more information, please visit our transfer credit center.

American Military University is a member of the following public safety alliances:

For more information on AMU’s partnerships and alliances, please visit our official partner page.