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In Public Safety Contributor

Building Partnerships Strengthens Emergency Management Capabilities

By Natalie French

Jurisdictions that are facing a lack of resources can enhance their emergency management strategy by building strong partnerships in the community. Learn how emergency managers can conduct comprehensive outreach efforts and why they must do so long before a disaster strikes.

Could Your Organization (or You) Be a Target of Foreign Spies?

By Angela Hill

Companies that deal with critical infrastructure are prime targets for foreign adversaries looking to collect valuable data. Employees at these companies should follow these tips to ensure they’re not being used as unsuspecting sources.

Changing Your Approach to Vehicle Stops Could Save Your Life

By Daniel Foster

One of the most outdated techniques that most police officers still employ is approaching vehicles from the driver side during a motor vehicle stop. Find out why this can pose a danger to officers, both from passing cars and from occupants inside the vehicle.

Four Tips for Handling Stress for Female Police Recruits

By Wendy Hummell

When female officers express emotion or stress, it can often be dismissed on account of gender and this can take a toll on their mental health. Here a veteran female officer shares her advice on handling stress for the next generation of women starting out on the force.

Holding Prosecutors and Judges Accountable for Unequal Justice

By Kerry L. Erisman

There is a disparity in the U.S. criminal justice system where wealth and privilege can somehow diminish the seriousness of a crime and lessen the sentence. This is unacceptable, and there must be limits on the discretion exercised by prosecutors and judges who abuse their powers.

What You Don’t Know About Sovereign Citizens Can Hurt You

By Tommy Smith

Sovereign citizens are a dangerous burden to law enforcement and to the court system. So why do so few law enforcement agencies conduct training on how officers can keep themselves and citizens safe from this group?

How I Learned to Process Trauma in My Policing Career

By Wendy Hummell

There are some cases that never leave you and for retired detective Wendy Hummell, it was a homicide case she was assigned 17 years ago. Here she shares what she learned about processing trauma in her policing career.