Home Social Media for Public Safety Professionals

Social Media for Public Safety Professionals

To stay updated when new articles are published, new webinars are announced, and other announcements are made, please follow us on Facebook by “liking” AMU & APUS Public Safety Programs.

You can also follow us on our sector-specific Twitter accounts:

For those in law enforcement looking for resources about how police agencies are using social media for investigation purposes, please refer to our Police and Social Media Topic Guide. Please note there is a “Law Enforcement Sensitive” tab, which is password protected. If you would like to gain access to this section, please send an email from your agency email address to James Deater (JDeater(at)apus.edu).

For other questions regarding In Public Safety, or to submit content for consideration, please send an email to Leischen Stelter: LStelter(at)apus.edu.