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In Public Safety Contributor

Podcast: Peer Support Builds Resiliency among Officers and Families

More than ever, officers must address mental health issues during their career and into retirement. In this episode, Wendy Hummell, a 24-year career officer and law enforcement spouse, talks about developing a robust peer support program and its role in building resilient law enforcement families. Also learn about other stress management tools including tactical breathing, yoga, mindfulness training, and more.

Protecting Vulnerable Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has put a spotlight on the vulnerability of older adults who often have chronic medical conditions and have become increasingly isolated during the pandemic. Learn how communities can implement models to reduce disparities and build stronger community resiliency to aid such vulnerable populations during a crisis.

Soft Skills May Reduce Police Use of Excessive or Deadly Force

How can agencies better prepare officers for emotionally challenging work? Learn how soft skills training, especially on emotional intelligence, can benefit officers and agencies alike.

Why Officers Must be Trained to Stay “Left of Bang”

Dr. Marla Friedman

Law enforcement officers must be trained about how to cope with the stress and trauma they are bound to face during their career. During her therapeutic work with officers, learn how one police psychologist has had significant success training officers to stay "Left of Bang."

Protecting Correctional Officers during the Pandemic

By Brian Dawe

Coronavirus has taken a huge toll on correctional officers and their families. Learn about new guidelines to protect staff as well as changes to LODD benefits that ensure the families of officers killed by COVID-19 will receive benefits.

How Law Enforcement Agencies Can Create a Comprehensive Ethics Policy

By Mark Buck

Every police officer has a responsibility to act ethically, but law enforcement agencies also have a responsibility to teach and enforce a clear code of ethics. To create a comprehensive ethics policy, agencies must include these key components.

Officers Adapt to COVID-19 with New Protocol, New Response Realities

By Daniel Foster

COVID-19 has led law enforcement agencies to enact new protocols to keep officers and the public safe. Learn about some of the measures being put in place and how coronavirus has changed officers’ daily duties.